
An Aptitude Test to Assess Gifted and Talented Students

Chin-Hsiang Wang

所屬期刊: 第2卷第4期 「測驗與評量」
系統編號: vol007_07
主題: 測驗與評量
出版年份: 2006
作者: 王金香;蕭金土
作者(英文): Chin-Hsiang Wang
論文名稱: 團體性向測驗在資賦優異學生甄試運用之研究
論文名稱(英文): An Aptitude Test to Assess Gifted and Talented Students
共同作者: 蕭金土
最高學歷: 博士班
校院名稱: 國立政治大學
系所名稱: 教育學系
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 20
中文關鍵字: 性向測驗、資優生、資優甄試
英文關鍵字: aptitude test, gifted and talented students, assessment of gifted and talented students.
服務單位: 國立台中啟明學校教師;國立政治大學教研所博士候選人
稿件字數: 11477
作者專長: 測驗與評量
投稿日期: 2006/12/22
論文下載: pdf檔案icon
摘要(中文): 2006年中部地區各縣市政府教育局廣設資賦優異班引起了部分學者、民間團體的撻伐及教育部的高度關注與介入,形成中央與地方的對立與衝突。源於學術界及法規均支持「性向測驗」可作為甄選之工具,但教育部看法卻不同,為了瞭解性向測驗在資賦優異學生甄試運用情形,本研究乃以90名資優生與90名一般生為對象,探討一般生及資優生在性向測驗各分測驗得分之差異情形、「性向測驗」在資優生鑑定之區別力、「性向測驗」及「個別智力測驗」對「成就測驗」之解釋情形等。研究結果顯示:1.一般生及資優生在性向測驗之六個分測驗得分達到顯著差異; 2.性向測驗能有效區別一般生與資優生;3.性向測驗和個別智力測驗能有效解釋學生國文與數學成就測驗的得分。最後根據文獻分析與研究結果提出建議,以供教育行政及未來測驗編製之參考。
摘要(英文): In 2006, the county governments, city governments, and bureaus of education in central Taiwan established many gifted and talented classes, resulting in some strong disagreements. Furthermore, the concerns and interference of the Ministry of Education has created opposition and conflict between central and local governments. The root of the problem is that academic and legal institutions typically use Aptitude Tests to assess students, but the Ministry of Education does not accept those results. This study seeks to understand the use of Aptitude Tests for assessing gifted and talented students by studying 90 gifted students and 90 general students. This study explores the differences between gifted and general students’ Aptitude Subtest scores, how the Aptitude Test distinguishes gifted students, how the Aptitude Test is explained, and the Individual Intelligence Scales of the Achievement Test. Results reveal that:
1.Aptitude subtest scores of general and gifted students differ significantly.
2.Aptitude test scores can effectively distinguish gifted and talented students from general students.
3. Aptitude test scores and the Individual Intelligence Scales can effectively explain the students’ Chinese and Math Achievement Test scores.
Some useful suggestions to education administrations and test makers have been proposed.
參考文獻: 教育部(2004)。特殊教育法規選輯。台北:教育部。
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