
When Play Meets Early Childhood Curriculum

Jui-Chin Huang

所屬期刊: 第5卷第2期 「課程與教學」
系統編號: vol017_02
主題: 課程與教學
出版年份: 2009
作者: 黃瑞琴
作者(英文): Jui-Chin Huang
論文名稱: 當遊戲遇見幼兒課程
論文名稱(英文): When Play Meets Early Childhood Curriculum
論文頁數: 28
中文關鍵字: 幼兒;遊戲;課程
英文關鍵字: Professor; Department of Early Childhood and Family Education; National Taipei University of Education
服務單位: 國立台北教育大學幼兒與家庭教育學系教授
稿件字數: 26163
作者專長: 幼教課程;遊戲
投稿日期: 2008/12/29
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摘要(中文): 遊戲在幼兒課程的定位是幼教界獨特而長久的議題,本文透過評析當代有關遊戲與幼兒課程概念的文獻,探究遊戲與幼兒課程相遇的概念取向。研究結果顯示遊戲的概念遇見不同取向幼兒課程的概念、目標、內容、組織、與評量時的轉換情景;遊戲遇見較強調教師傳送特定內容的課程概念,遊戲的概念傾向於是封閉的方法、特定的行為類別、預定的遊戲教學目標、特定的教材內容、外在控制的組織型態、目標導向的評量;遊戲遇見較強調學生自我組織學習經驗的課程概念,遊戲的概念傾向於是開放的方法、多元的脈絡內涵、隨機浮現的目標、脈絡化的經驗、內在控制的組織型態、真實反映幼兒全面發展和學習的評量。最後並建議未來國定幼兒園課程大綱的遊戲定位。
摘要(英文): Play orientation in curriculum is the unique and lasting issue in early childhood education. This paper aimed at analyzing and clarifying the conceptual approaches of play while meeting early childhood curriculum through the review of contemporary literature about the conceptions of play and early childhood curriculum. Results indicated that the conceptions of play transform across the approaches of curriculum conception, objective, content, organization, and evaluation. The conceptions of play in curriculum as teachers teaching specific content tend to be the close way, the limited behavioral category, the intended play teaching objective, the specific teaching material, organizing pattern from outer control, and objective-directed evaluation. The conceptions of play in curriculum as students organizing their own learning experiences tend to be the open way, the multiple context, the emerging objective, contextualized experience, organizing pattern from inner control, evaluation truly reflecting whole development and learning. The suggestion about the play-oriented approach of future national early childhood curriculum program was made.
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