
Exploratory Research on Studying Tour in Australia

Daisy Hsieh

所屬期刊: 第5卷第3期 「教育政策與制度」
系統編號: vol018_09
主題: 教育政策與制度
出版年份: 2009
作者: 謝春菊
作者(英文): Daisy Hsieh
論文名稱: 海外澳洲遊學初探
論文名稱(英文): Exploratory Research on Studying Tour in Australia
論文頁數: 34
中文關鍵字: 海外遊學;跨文化適應;文化衝擊
英文關鍵字: taking an overseas study tour;cross-cultural adaptation;culture shock
服務單位: 台東大學教育研究所博士研究生
稿件字數: 22215
作者專長: 課程教學
投稿日期: 2009/6/25
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摘要(中文): 本研究透過質性研究之半結構式訪談、參與觀察法,研究者並實際赴澳洲遊學七週,探討遊學者之動機、跨文化適應及收穫與影響之詮釋等,以立意取樣選取研究對象,並藉由三角檢證法與複核法來提高資料收集的信度和效度。經歸納研究發現大部分遊學者之動機為著眼於英語學習;其次,為了解英語系國家的風土人情,增進跨文化適應力,擴展國際視野,也有學子是以遊學作為日後留學生涯規劃鋪路。關於海外遊學之適應方面,語言適應為最大的適應問題,然而研究參與者經過一段調適期,藉由再次詢問、抓取關鍵字、善用上下語境推斷、或使用肢體語言等語言溝通的技巧後,逐漸能達到跨文化溝通的效果;至於生活上的不適應,因個人環境、條件及背景之不同而異。再者,海外遊學經歷對遊學參與者而言,具有個人成長的催化劑、增加學習英語自信與興趣、提升跨文化溝通的能力、開拓國際視野等的功能。最後,研究者根據研究發現提出實務性的建議,作為相關教育人員之研究參考。
摘要(英文): The purpose of this study is to examine the participants’ motivation, cross-cultural adaptability, and the impact of taking an overseas study tour. This researcher recently spent seven weeks in Australia on a study tour with that aim in mind. The qualitative methods of semi-structured interviews and participant observation were adopted. The participants were chosen according to judgment sampling. The triangulation and member checking methods were also adopted to enhance reliability and validity. Generally speaking, most people who take a study tour emphasize English-learning. Secondly, they wish to experience the culture of the English-spoken nation, enhance their cross-cultural adaptability, and expand their international vision. Thirdly, some students will pave the way for future degree plans abroad by means of taking a study tour. Furthermore, the problem of language is the main issue in adaptation. However, the participants will be able to develop their ability of communication in English by means of applying the language skills of asking again, catching key words, inferring the meaning by context and using body language after a period of time in Australia. As far as the degree of adaptation of living is concerned, it depends much on the participants’ background. Meanwhile, the experience of taking an overseas study tour will assist the participants in gaining mental maturity, developing their interest and confidence in learning English, cultivating the ability of cross-cultural communication and widening their global vision. Eventually, suggestions from the major findings of this study are presented for people interested in education.
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