
A Study of Applying Mind Mapping and ATDE Styled Teaching to Creativity Development Project Curriculum

常雅珍; 洪錦益; 黃寶園; 黃詩庭; 李佩綺
Ya-Jane Chaung; Ching-I Hung; Pao-Yuan Huang; Shih-Ting Huan; Pei-Qi Lee


所屬期刊: 第15卷第1期 「師資培育與教師專業發展」
系統編號: vol056_03
主題: 課程與教學
出版年份: 2019
作者: 常雅珍; 洪錦益; 黃寶園; 黃詩庭; 李佩綺
作者(英文): Ya-Jane Chaung; Ching-I Hung; Pao-Yuan Huang; Shih-Ting Huan; Pei-Qi Lee
論文名稱: 心智圖法與ATDE模式應用於創新研發專題課程之研究
論文名稱(英文): A Study of Applying Mind Mapping and ATDE Styled Teaching to Creativity Development Project Curriculum
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 30
中文關鍵字: 心智圖法; 創新研發專題課程; ATDE 模式
英文關鍵字: mind mapping, creativity development project curriculum; ATDE styled teaching
服務單位: 長庚科技大學幼保系
稿件字數: 14478
作者專長: 教育心理學; 課程與教學;研發產品與應用
投稿日期: 2018/6/25
論文下載: pdf檔案icon
摘要(中文): 研究者欲解決專題課程中遇到的困難,發現心智圖法有益學生產品研發設計
與構思,並有助於系統性的分析質化研究結果,ATDE 模式則可以掌握學生學習歷
程,因此本研究目的在設計一套課程,應用心智圖法與ATDE 模式於創新研發專
題課程,此一心智圖法創新主題分析方式通過發明專利。本課程根據ATDE 模式
摘要(英文): Mind mapping is beneficial to the design and conception of student product
development, and contributes to the systematic analysis of qualitative research results.
The ATDE styled model can grasp the student learning process. The purpose of the
study is to propose a method that integrates mind mapping and ATDE styled teaching for
creativity development project curriculum. The method obtained an invention patent of
Taiwan ROC. Based on ATDE styled teaching, the curriculum is organized in six phases:
"Direction identification", "Framework buildup", "Prototype implementation", "Quality
evaluation", "Prototype Improvement", and "Quantity assessment". The first step of the
method demonstration is to design the curriculum that induces college students to invent
the family-oriented rescue vest with 7-in-one multi-function product successfully. A
utility model patent of Taiwan ROC, was obtained based on the study and the project
won a gold medal in International Invention Exhibition. The qualification analysis result
shows the drawbacks of other rescue packs, the advantages of our vest, and the features
to be improved. The quantification analysis result show that the family-oriented rescue
vest has the benefits of compact, crash-proof, water-proof, isolated pockets, sleeping bag,
and wearable. These features are not available in conventional rescue packs. In addition,
our vest is easy to be identified and used for parents and their own children. Finally,
researchers draw the conclusion and suggestions for the future research.
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