
Technology Acceptance, Growth Needs, and Pedagogical Usability as Factors Influencing Teachers’ Perceptions about the Use of Geometer’s Sketchpad Software

Chung-Kai Huang;Chang-Hua Chen;Ching-Yuan Chang;Chun-Yu Lin


所屬期刊: 第16卷第2期 主編:國立政治大學師資培育中心教授
系統編號: vol061_04
主題: 課程與教學
出版年份: 2020
作者: 黃仲楷;鄭章華;張景媛;林俊佑
作者(英文): Chung-Kai Huang;Chang-Hua Chen;Ching-Yuan Chang;Chun-Yu Lin
論文名稱: 教師運用動態幾何軟體之研究:以科技接受、成長需求與教學優使性為探究因素
論文名稱(英文): Technology Acceptance, Growth Needs, and Pedagogical Usability as Factors Influencing Teachers’ Perceptions about the Use of Geometer’s Sketchpad Software
論文頁數: 39
中文關鍵字: 動態幾何軟體;教學優使性;科技接受;成長需求
英文關鍵字: geometry sketchpad software, pedagogical usability, technology acceptance, growth needs
稿件字數: 12000
投稿日期: 2019/4/9
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摘要(中文): 本研究主要探討臺灣中學數學科教師使用動態幾何軟體的影響因素,針對科技接受程度與教學優使性進行評量,除了科技相關的因素考量之外,我們亦將教師的成長需求納入研究架構中。在回顧相關教學設計與優化理論之後,我們使用了問卷填答與一系列的任務活動,測量數學教師對動態幾何軟體的使用回饋。共有124位中學數學科教師填答了科技接受調查問卷,另有24位教師參與了情境與任務導向的優化性測試。根據研究問題與結果,本研究之發現不僅可提供數學教學實務者參考,並且針對強化使用者為中心的設計功能進行建議,亦對教師專業成長需求進行相關探討。
摘要(英文): In this study, teachers’ level of acceptance of current technology, and the pedagogical usability of the dynamic geometry sketchpad (GSP) software, were evaluated for their utility in the teaching of secondary geometry in Taiwan. Here the incorporation of multi-faceted technological factors was considered along with teachers’ growth needs. Relevant instructional designs and usability testing theories were used to develop a survey and a series of tasks, in order to elicit follow-up responses from Taiwanese mathematics teachers. This generic, technology-acceptance-based survey was completed by 124 secondary school mathematics teachers, and 24 secondary school mathematics teachers were invited to participate in the testing of specific context- and task-based pedagogical usability. The findings naturally led to further questions regarding the user-centered design of the GSP software’s functions, as well as mathematics teachers’ growth needs in terms of their professional development.
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