
The Analysis and Prospect of Empirical Research of Teacher Professional Learning Community in Taiwan

Yi-Ku Ting;Heng-Chi Chiang


所屬期刊: 第16卷第2期 主編:國立政治大學師資培育中心教授
系統編號: vol061_05
主題: 師資培育
出版年份: 2020
作者: 丁一顧;江姮姬
作者(英文): Yi-Ku Ting;Heng-Chi Chiang
論文名稱: 臺灣教師專業學習社群實徵研究之分析與展望
論文名稱(英文): The Analysis and Prospect of Empirical Research of Teacher Professional Learning Community in Taiwan
論文頁數: 41
中文關鍵字: 教師專業學習社群;實徵研究;文獻分析法
英文關鍵字: teacher professional learning community;empirical research;literature review
稿件字數: 16671
投稿日期: 2020/5/31
論文下載: pdf檔案icon
摘要(中文): 教師專業學習社群乃是學校文化革新與教學改善的重要機制之一。本研究以教師專業學習社群為主題之期刊論文86篇、博士論文30篇、合計116篇實徵研究為分析對象,研究方法採文獻分析法,並以研究時間、研究對象、研究方法、研究主題、研究成果五個面向作為分析架構,針對此116篇教師專業學習社群實徵研究之研究發現進行分析,並進而提出教師專業學習社群未來實徵研究之展望:(1)賡續探究學生學習,落實社群目的之關注;(2)分析領導作為功能,發展運作支持之模式;(3)探析數位社群運作,引導多元型態之發展;(4)探討社群轉型發展,理解深化與改變歷程;(5)調查社群之永續性,瞭解規劃評估與成效;(6)擴展不同研究對象,整全理解社群之實施;(7)持續探究社群困境,分析真正衍生之因素;(8)混合適當研究方法,落實三角驗證之效益;(9) 善用多變量之分析,驗證比較結果之異同;(10)進行長期縱貫研究,深入瞭解發展之成效。
摘要(英文): The Teachers’ Professional Learning Community (TPLC) is very important both for a “school culture revolution” and the overall improvement of instruction. The purpose of this paper was to analyze the research findings of 116 treatises of empirical research on the TPLC, including 86 journal articles and 30 dissertations. The literature review was focused on 5 elements of the analysis structure, including research time, research objects, research methods, research topics, and research results. Based on an analysis of the findings, this paper suggests ten directions for the development of TPLC research: (1) analyzing the impact of the TPLC on student learning, (2) examining the influence of, and relationship between, leadership and the TPLC, (3) studying the various digital types of the TPLC, (4) exploring the transformation of the TPLC, (5) probing the sustainability of the TPLC, (6) broadening the research object, (7) exploring the dilemma and differentiating the category of the TPLC, (8) using mixed-methods research with regard to the TPLC, (9) applying multivariate statistical analysis, and (10) pursuing long-term longitudinal research on and for the TPLC.
參考文獻: 十二年國民基本教育課程綱要總綱發布版(2014)。









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