
The Operational Mechanism and Implementation of National Qualification Framework in England

Dorothy I-Ru Chen


所屬期刊: 第17卷第2期 主編:國立臺灣師範大學教育學系教授
系統編號: vol065_02
主題: 教育政策與制度
出版年份: 2021
作者: 陳怡如
作者(英文): Dorothy I-Ru Chen
論文名稱: 英格蘭國家資歷架構運作機制與實施現狀之探討
論文名稱(英文): The Operational Mechanism and Implementation of National Qualification Framework in England
論文頁數: 45
中文關鍵字: 英格蘭;技術與職業教育;國家資歷架構;能力本位教育;資歷
英文關鍵字: England;technical and vocational education;National Qualification Framework;competency-based education;qualification
稿件字數: 29958
投稿日期: 2021/3/26
論文下載: pdf檔案icon
摘要(中文): 英國於2000年所建構之「國家資歷架構」(National Qualification Framework, NQF),不僅影響該國技術與職業教育課程設計與評量模式的發展,也對歐盟與歐盟以外的國家資歷架構與區域資歷架構的發展產生重大影響。時至今日,國家資歷架構的建置已經是各國普遍趨勢,有鑑於臺灣一直不乏學者提出建構類似架構的呼籲,本研究目的在於:一、敘明英格蘭國家資歷架構發展緣由;二、探討英格蘭國家資歷架構的實施現狀;三、分析英格蘭國家資歷架構變革對於技術與職業教育之影響;四、分析現行架構的問題與面臨挑戰;五、根據研究發現,提供臺灣相關發展之參考。本研究透過分析英格蘭與歐盟的官方文件與報告,並針對相關權責組織進行半結構訪談,歸納出主要研究發現:首先,英格蘭國家資歷架構採能力本位模式,因應複雜技術與職業資歷的改革需求而產生,3次改革趨勢為重視業界需求、學習者學習進程,以及資歷透明化與彈性化,而上述改革也對於技術與職業教育實施之權責機構的角色產生重大影響。其次,英格蘭國家資歷架構的建置,有助於政府對於人才培育的面向、層級以及模式有全面掌握,並發展因應策略。最後,此一架構實施是因應技術與職業教育面臨的問題,但目前許多問題仍存在,機制本身運作也有待改善之處,因此後續發展值得關注。希望英格蘭經驗有助於後續臺灣技術與職業教育改革與資歷架構的規劃。
摘要(英文): The development of National Qualification Framework (NQF) in the United Kingdom (UK) has huge impacts not only on the technical and vocational education in the UK, but also development of national and regional qualification frameworks in most part of the world. As the contruction of NQF has also become a concern in Taiwan, this paper aims to explore: 1. factors contributing to the formation of NQF in England; 2. the current operation of NQF in England; 3. the impacts of NQF reforms on technical education development in England; 4. the related problems and challenges; 5. relfection on the role of the framework in national education in England and its implications for Taiwan. Through document analysis and semi-structural interviews, the research shows: first, the development of NQF in England is competency-based and derived from the needs of technical and vocational educational reform. The trends of its reform show its increasing emphasis on employers’ needs, learners’ progression, and flexibility and transparency of the framework and related qualifications. Second, the framework enables the government to have overall picture of talent cultivation in England as well as developing necessary strategies for future talent cultivation. Finally, the implementation of the framework was the response to the problems in technical education. Nevertheless, some problems remain and there are needs for further improvement of the framework. Based on the above findings, it is hoped that the English case can provide useful implications for the development of related policy in Taiwan.
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