環境不正義之協商日常: 探討議題融入田野踏查課程模組之學習成效
Negotiating With Daily Life Amid Environmental Injustice: Exploring the Effects of Issue-Integrated Field Trip Modules on Learning Outcomes
Huang, Sheila Shu-Ling
Huang, Sheila Shu-Ling
所屬期刊: |
第19卷第4期 主編:國立彰化師範大學教育研究所教授 龔心怡 |
系統編號: | vol075_03 |
主題: | 課程與教學 |
出版年份: | 2023 |
作者: | 黃淑玲 |
作者(英文): | Huang, Sheila Shu-Ling |
論文名稱: | 環境不正義之協商日常: 探討議題融入田野踏查課程模組之學習成效 |
論文名稱(英文): | Negotiating With Daily Life Amid Environmental Injustice: Exploring the Effects of Issue-Integrated Field Trip Modules on Learning Outcomes |
共同作者: | |
最高學歷: | |
校院名稱: | |
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語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 39 |
中文關鍵字: | 課程模組;環境正義;混合式研究;敘事;戶外學習 |
英文關鍵字: | course module; environmental justice; mixed-methods research; narratives; outdoor learning |
服務單位: | 高雄醫學大學人文與藝術教育中心副教授;高雄醫學大學附設中和紀念醫院臨床醫學研究部兼任副研究員 |
稿件字數: | 24934 |
作者專長: | |
投稿日期: | 2023/9/10 |
論文下載: | |
摘要(中文): | 本研究旨在探討「環境正義」融入田野踏查之「5+1階段」課程模組如何影響學習經驗與課程觀點。研究對象包含臺灣南部兩所大學在110學年度,四個班級共計128名之正式課程學生。透過混合性研究法進行質性分析修課者之心得寫作,以及量化分析踏查者經驗問卷(n=100)。踏查前心得寫作透過質性分析建構出學習者眼中的「環境不正義之六角結構」;而踏查後心得分析則高度展現田野給予的學習體驗,包含踏查者對於公共議題、教育意涵、情意發展、歷史地景等面向有更深入的思考。其中,導覽居民扮演生命故事說書人的角色,不僅展開踏查者的思考與視野,建立議題與場域的連結,更引發對他者、他地之關懷與共感,體悟在地聚落處於環境不正義下的協商日常。統計分析也顯示導覽者的說書人角色,顯著影響學習者贊同田野作為場域教室賦予課程不同的意義、贊同遷村並非環境不正義之解方。總體而言,本議題融入田野踏查課程模組透過混和性研究後發現,具有課程結構性、議題連貫性、學習模式多樣性之課程模組能拓展視野並提升學習體驗,深化戶外學習的教育意涵。未來研究方向建議課程模組融入量化形成性評量,有益於先備知識的連結與內化,並作為田野踏查課程模組之基準點以利前、後測比較,推進戶外學習之實證研究。 |
摘要(英文): | This study investigated the effects of a narrative-driven, environmental justice–focused 5+1 staged-course module on the learning experiences and curricular perceptions of students. The study population comprised 128 students from 4 classes conducted by 2 universities in southern Taiwan. They represented four cohorts across two semesters spanning the period from 2021 to 2022. An exploratory mixed-methods research design was used to conduct qualitative analyses of the students’ reflective writings before and after their field trips. Additionally, 100 qualified field trip participants underwent post–field trip surveys, and the results were quantitatively assessed. A qualitative inquiry revealed that the students held a hexagonal conceptualization of environmental injustice before their field trip. Post–field trip analyses were conducted to understand the students’ learning experiences from their field trips; the experiences involved profound reflections on public issues, the value of education, affective development, and appreciation of locality. Crucially, resident guides, who narrated their life stories, were instrumental in expanding the students’ cognitive and empathetic engagement, educating them on field-specific topics and fostering in them a compassionate awareness of others and diverse locales. The statistical findings of this study revealed the significant influence of these resident guides in shaping the students’ recognition of the field as an appropriate classroom setting. These guides infused distinct meanings into the curriculum, aligning it with the belief that relocation is inadequate as a response to environmental injustice. In summary, integrating narratives into an issue-centric learning module significantly broadened the learning horizons and experiences of the students, thereby deepening the pedagogical effects of outdoor learning. The findings indicate future courses should incorporate formative quantitative evaluations to strengthen the connection and assimilation of foundational knowledge to provide a comparative baseline for modules and enhance longitudinal fieldtrip analyses to advance research on outdoor education. |
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