An Integration of Concept Mapping into a Course of Bilingual Science Material and Teaching: The Growth and Feedback of Pre-service Teachers
Jing-Wen Lin ;Hong-Wen Cheng
Jing-Wen Lin ;Hong-Wen Cheng
所屬期刊: |
第20卷第2期 主編:國立彰化師範大學教育研究所教授 龔心怡 |
系統編號: | vol077_01 |
主題: | 課程與教學 |
出版年份: | 2024 |
作者: | 林靜雯;鄭宏文 |
作者(英文): | Jing-Wen Lin ;Hong-Wen Cheng |
論文名稱: | 以概念構圖為核心之國小雙語自然教材教法課程:雙語師資生於課程中的成長與反饋 |
論文名稱(英文): | An Integration of Concept Mapping into a Course of Bilingual Science Material and Teaching: The Growth and Feedback of Pre-service Teachers |
共同作者: | |
最高學歷: | |
校院名稱: | |
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語文別: | |
論文頁數: | 30 |
中文關鍵字: | 師資培育;概念構圖;雙語自然教學 |
英文關鍵字: | teacher education;concept mapping;bilingual science teaching |
服務單位: | 國立臺北教育大學自然科學教育學系教授;國立臺北教育大學自然科學教育學系副教授 |
稿件字數: | 19863 |
作者專長: | |
投稿日期: | 2023/11/15 |
論文下載: | |
摘要(中文): | 本研究因應新課綱實施與雙語政策推動開設第一屆國小雙語自然次專長師資培育課程,將概念構圖融入雙語自然教材教法(Integrating concept mapping into bilingual science material and teaching course, iCM-BS)以探討iCM-BS課程:(一)使雙語師資生的知識結構與教學目標設定產生什麼改變?(二)如何協助不同背景師資生設計雙語自然教學?(三)不同背景師資生的學習需求與意見反饋為何?本研究以全班33位師資生為對象,以Novak與Gowin的評鑑方式對8組師資生所繪製概念圖的自然科學知識結構評分以回答第一個研究問題,後續二個問題則以蒐集三位不同背景同學的質性資料、授課教師教學反思及研究團隊會議紀錄經由團隊不同研究者分析與反覆比較形成研究主張。研究結果顯示iCM-BS課程中概念構圖知識結構的視覺表徵:(一)可協助師資生建立科學概念的邏輯關聯以掌握教材內容、檢核知識結構以適應教學活動、(二)可協助不同背景師資生統整並設定雙語自然教案中的自然與語言教學目標;(三)不同背景師資生雖然學習需求不同,但同儕間分享教材理解與教學經驗卻可增進雙語自然教學活動構思與規劃成效。最終則基於教學與研究觀察於文末提出相關建議。 |
摘要(英文): | In response to the new Curriculum Guidelines and the 2030 Bilingual Policy, this study integrates concept mapping into a course of bilingual science (iCM-BS) material and teaching for pre-service teachers and tries to figure out: (1) What changes does the course have on pre-service teachers’ scientific knowledge structure and the setting of their teaching goals? (2) How does the course assist pre-service teachers in lesson planning? (3) What are the learning needs and feedback from pre-service teachers in different disciplines? This case study focused on 33 pre-service teachers participating in this course, which belongs to a sub-specialty program for elementary bilingual science teachers. To investigate the first question, their concept maps were used to assess their scientific knowledge structure using the scoring system of Novak & Gowin. Then, the non-numerical data of 3 chosen pre-service teachers with different disciplines were collected and analyzed to answer the other two questions. The results show that the iCM-BS course: (1) can graphically organize the logical connections between scientific concepts and then help pre-service teachers grasp the teaching context, (2) can help pre-service teachers with different disciplines in lesson planning of bilingual science, despite the variety of their learning needs, and (3) provides pre-service teachers a way to check their scientific knowledge structure to fit with the cognitive levels of learners as a guide that can integrate their teaching objectives of science and language. At the end of this article, we reflect on this course of iCM-BS and make suggestions. |
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