
A Study on Interdisciplinary Creative Teaching for Outdoor Adventure Learning Blended into STEAM

Chou-Mou Wen ;Jia-Mi Chen


所屬期刊: 第20卷第2期 主編:國立彰化師範大學教育研究所教授
系統編號: vol077_02
主題: 課程與教學
出版年份: 2024
作者: 溫卓謀;陳嘉彌
作者(英文): Chou-Mou Wen ;Jia-Mi Chen
論文名稱: STEAM融入戶外冒險之跨領域創意教學研究
論文名稱(英文): A Study on Interdisciplinary Creative Teaching for Outdoor Adventure Learning Blended into STEAM
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 30
中文關鍵字: 心態;情緒;戶外教育;創新教學;體驗與冒險教育
英文關鍵字: mindsets;emotion;outdoor education;innovative teaching;experience and adventure education
服務單位: 國立臺東大學體育學系教授;國立臺東大學體育學系兼任教授
稿件字數: 20269
投稿日期: 2024/2/27
論文下載: pdf檔案icon
摘要(中文): 戶外冒險教育融合跨領域知識的教學方式,能增加學習參與、知能擴展及專
與遊憩探索」跨領域課程中採用STEAM 融入戶外冒險活動的教學經驗及成果。「潛
水、海洋文化與遊憩探索」是一門 6 學分 18 天的密集課程,旨在透過海洋、文化、
究運用混合式研究法收集 14 位大學生的質性與量化資料,探討學生對 STEAM 學
STEAM 跨領域知識是有效的教學策略。然而,因研究受試樣本數小,量化分析結
戶外冒險教育、STEAM 教學、或合併二者來增進學生的學習成效,提供重要的操
摘要(英文): Outdoor adventure education, blending interdisciplinary knowledge, boosts student engagement, cognition, and professional skills, gaining popularity. This paper examined STEAM integrated in the "Diving, Ocean Culture, and Leisure Exploration" (DOL) course. DOL, a rigorous 6-credit, 18-day program, aimed to enhance diving skills and deepen ecological understanding through oceanic, cultural, and recreational elements. Using the mixed research method, data from 14 students were analyzed, revealing the significance of outdoor adventure learning in higher education and the effectiveness of STEAM integration. However, limited sample sizes constrained the generalizability of quantitative findings, highlighting the importance of larger samples, diverse activities, and increasing schedules. Educator focus on interdisciplinary skills is recommended. This study provides practical insights for optimizing student learning outcomes through outdoor adventure education, STEAM, or their fusion in academia.
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