
An Analytical Study on Establishing Norms for Creativity among Pre-service TCSOL Teacher Education Students in Taiwan

Qiao-Yu Cai


所屬期刊: 第20卷第2期 主編:國立彰化師範大學教育研究所教授
系統編號: vol077_03
主題: 課程與教學
出版年份: 2024
作者: 蔡喬育
作者(英文): Qiao-Yu Cai
論文名稱: 臺灣華語教學師資生創造力常模建立之分析研究(英文稿)
論文名稱(英文): An Analytical Study on Establishing Norms for Creativity among Pre-service TCSOL Teacher Education Students in Taiwan
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 113
中文關鍵字: 創造力常模、華語教學、華語教學師資生、創造力教學
英文關鍵字: creativity norms; Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages (TCSOL); pre-service TCSOL teacher education students (PTTES), creativity pedagogy
服務單位: 國立臺中教育大學語文教育學系副教授
稿件字數: 14942
投稿日期: 2023/11/15
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摘要(中文): 本研究旨在為臺灣華語教學師資生建立創造力常模,分析其創造力的異同。本研究以經信效度驗證過的新編創造思考測驗為研究工具,抽樣調查414名臺灣華語教學師資生並進行施測。研究發現:(1)華語教學師資生在圖形的精進性創造力略高於臺灣的大學生和研究生,但其他創造力表現則略低;(2)男、女華語教學師資生的創造力無顯著差異;(3)研究所的華語教學師資生在語文的流暢性創造力表現顯著高於大學部的華語教學師資生,而研究所和學分學程的華語教學師資生在語文的原創性創造力表現顯著優於大學部的華語教學師資生。此外,學分學程的華語教學師資生在圖形的原創性創造力表現顯著高於研究所的華語教學師資生。本研究根據結果,提出創意花模式作為在臺華語教學系所和學分學程課之創造力教學架構,針對華語教學師資生提供教學策略。對研究所的華語教學師資生來說,「挑戰性」策略能促使其在語言豐富的環境中以更高層次批判性思維來思考與執行解決問題的任務。發展創新應對方法的「適性解決之道」是提升研究所華語教學師資生圖形原創性創造力之有效策略。大學部的華語教學師資生則可以從分享及展現創意想法和問題的「小組演示」中獲益,以及從檢測解決方法之效用的「影響力評估」中來建立其創意自信與溝通技巧。具圖形原創性創造力優勢之學分學程的華語教學師資生,可以透過跨學科專題方式整合華語教學概念來發展創新的教材教法。借助創意花模式來提高華語教學師資生的創造力並因應華語課堂中的潛在課題,將有益於培養其成為具創新能力的華語教師。
摘要(英文): This study aimed to establish creativity norms for pre-service Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages (TCSOL) teacher education students (PTTES) in Taiwan and to analyze their differences in creativity. Utilizing the New Creativity Test, which was validated for reliability and validity, this study sampled and tested 414 Taiwanese PTTES. The findings reveal that: (1) the figural creativity-elaboration of PTTES is slightly higher than that of Taiwanese undergraduates and postgraduates, while other creativity of PTTES is slightly lower; (2) there were no significant differences in creativity between male and female PTTES; and (3) PTTES in postgraduate programs significantly outperformed undergraduate PTTES in verbal creativity-fluency, while PTTES in both postgraduate and credit programs significantly exceeded those in undergraduate programs in verbal creativity-originality. Furthermore, PTTES in credit programs demonstrated significantly higher figural creativity-originality than those in postgraduate programs. Based on these results, this study proposes the CREATIVE Flower Model as a creativity pedagogical framework for TCSOL programs in Taiwan, offering targeted teaching strategies for each group. For postgraduate PTTES, the “Challenging” strategy can urge them to undertake tasks that demand higher levels of critical thinking and problem-solving in a linguistically rich environment. The “Adaptive Solutions,” developing innovative responses to these challenges, will likely be the most impactful for enhancing figural creativity-originality in postgraduate PTTES. Undergraduate PTTES can benefit from the “Team Presentation,” sharing and showcasing creative ideas and solutions, and “Impact Evaluation,” which measures the effectiveness and practicality of the proposed solutions to build creative confidence and communication skills. Credit program PTTES, which excels in figural creativity and originality, can be tasked with interdisciplinary projects that integrate TCSOL concepts to develop innovative teaching methods and materials. Leveraging the CREATIVE Flower Model enhances the creativity of PTTES and addresses potential challenges in Chinese language classrooms, ultimately contributing to the development of effective and innovative TCSOL teachers.
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