教育 4.0、問題導向學習與大數據分析工具 融入客戶開發管理課程之教學實踐

Integrate Education 4.0、Problem-Based Learning and Big-Data Analysis Tools into Curriculum Design and Practice of Customer Relationship Management

Chi-Hung Su


所屬期刊: 第20卷第4期 主編:國立彰化師範大學教育研究所教授
系統編號: vol079_02
主題: 課程與教學
出版年份: 2024
作者: 蘇啟鴻
作者(英文): Chi-Hung Su
論文名稱: 教育 4.0、問題導向學習與大數據分析工具 融入客戶開發管理課程之教學實踐
論文名稱(英文): Integrate Education 4.0、Problem-Based Learning and Big-Data Analysis Tools into Curriculum Design and Practice of Customer Relationship Management
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 50
中文關鍵字: 教育 4.0;問題導向學習;自主學習;客戶開發與管理;課程設計
英文關鍵字: education 4.0;problem-based learning;self-directed learning;customer development and management;curriculum design
服務單位: 致理科技大學資訊管理系助理教授
稿件字數: 28292
投稿日期: 2023/12/27
論文下載: pdf檔案icon
摘要(中文): 當 21 世紀大學生所應具備的能力,從傳統的專業學科領域知識轉變成具備問
學創新,已成為大學教學現場重要的課題。本研究提出結合「教育 4.0、PBL 問題
導向學習與大數據分析工具」的教學策略,以教育 4.0 思維考量能力培養、學習方
法、資通訊技術、基礎設施等層面進行教學規劃,採用強調做中學的 PBL,並運
用 Qlik Sense 視覺化軟體、Google Analytics、撰寫 Python 程式爬取部落格評論等
對照組(N=56)則將上述教學設計中的 PBL 以講述法及實際操作取代,其他皆相
同進行教學。研究結果顯示,實驗組學生覺得可激發其學習興趣,融入 PBL 的課
摘要(英文): The development of problem-solving, self-directed learning, cross-disciplinary
integration, and IT application skills is crucial for university students. The traditional mode of
teaching and learning is no longer sufficient to cultivate these critical competencies. Therefore,
teaching innovation has become an urgent issue. Additionally, enhancing students interest in
learning and improving learning effectiveness are also important considerations. This research
applies an integrated teaching strategy of Education 4.0, problem-based learning (PBL), and
big-data analysis tools for curriculum design and teaching practice. Students are guided on how
to use suitable tools, such as Qlik Sense visualization software, Google Analytics, and Python
programs for web crawling, to collect and analyze data and solve problems. The study uses a
quasi-experimental design for the two classes. The experimental group (N=46) adopted the
integrated teaching strategy of “Education 4.0, PBL, and big-data analysis tools”, while the
control group (N=56) adopted the integrated teaching strategy of “Education 4.0, lecturing and
hands-on, and big-data analysis tools”. The research findings are presented below: (1) The
students in the experimental group believe that the PBL integrated curriculum design can assist
them in exploring case problems, considering problem-solving possibilities, attempting various
approaches to solve problems, and acquiring problem-solving methods and processes. It can
also improve their problem-solving skills and self-directed learning. (2) The experimental
group demonstrated significantly better learning performance than the control group on the
homework assignments and final report. The developed teaching strategy has the potential to
increase student participation in the experimental group. The developed teaching strategy can
be used as a reference for the curriculum design and teaching practices.