

Michael W. Apple

所屬期刊: 第1卷第1期 「課程與教學」
課程與教學研究所 莊明貞教授
系統編號: vol001_01
主題: 課程與教學
出版年份: 2005
作者: Michael W. Apple
作者(英文): 作者(英文):
論文名稱: 學校教育,市場,種族,與閱聽文化
論文頁數: 18
中文關鍵字: 教育改革;在教育方面的階層與種族;政略與教育
英文關鍵字: educational reform;class and race in education; politics and education
服務單位: 服務單位
稿件字數: 5
作者專長: 作者專長:
投稿日期: 2005/01/01
論文下載: pdf檔案icon
摘要(中文): 對於在教育方面與其他方面的新自由主義與新保守主義的機構與等同性改革,本文提供一批判性的綜述。文中檢視轉型所伴隨的艱苦與具有創造力的意識型態工作,特別是一方面逐漸著重在商品化與市場導向,而另一方面又著重於筆者所稱「閱聽文化」(audit culture)的發展,並證明他們兩者如何相互強化。這些雙重作用改變了何謂之優質課程(good curricula),優質教學(good teaching),和一般而論的成功的學校教育(successful schooling)。以上所述對於謂稱合適的成功證據具有主要的效力。這些趨勢對我們的理解與民主的實踐的長期影響是具有深遠意義的。

摘要(英文): This article provides a critical overview of the steady growth of neo-liberal and neoconservative restructurings of institutions and identities in education and in other parts of the state. It examines the hard and creative ideological work that such transformations require. In particular, I examine the growing emphasis on commodification and marketization on the one hand and the development of what I call an “audit culture” on the other. I demonstrate how they mutually reinforce each other. These dual processes are changing what counts as good curricula, good teaching, and successful schooling in general. They are having a major effect on what counts as appropriate evidence of success. The long term effects of these tendencies both on our understanding and practice of democracy can be profound.

  The article then critically examines the class and race relations that have led to the development of an “audit culture” and that have been generated out of the politics of education surrounding these developments. I argue that we need a much more nuanced understanding of these politics if we are challenge the negative effects of new managerialism and of an emerging emphasis on commodification and marketization.
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