
Interrupting School Stories and Stories of School: Deepening Narrative Understandings of School Reform

D. Jean Clandinin
Janice Huber

所屬期刊: 第1卷第1期 「課程與教學」
課程與教學研究所 莊明貞教授
系統編號: vol001_03
出版年份: 2005
作者: D. Jean Clandinin
Janice Huber
論文名稱: 學校故事和學校中的故事:深入學校改革的敘事理解
論文名稱(英文): Interrupting School Stories and Stories of School: Deepening Narrative Understandings of School Reform
論文頁數: 0
中文關鍵字: 學校改革;個人實務知識;故事化學校語言;敘事探究;教師認同
英文關鍵字: School reforms;personal practical knowledges;stored school languages;narrative inquiry;teacher identity
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摘要(中文): 本文中我們以可能探究學校故事(school stories)和學校中的故事(stories of school)探討學校改革,並從兩個不同學校場域的敘事例子以再概念化來闡述學校的革新。我們了解學校故事(school stories)的中斷性為瞬時的、漸進的、並且總是不斷運行的。再者,本文探討矛盾的空間(paces of contradiction)及其矛盾在學校改革所佔的地位的相關問題。關於學校故事(school stories)和學校中故事(stories of school),文中視矛盾空間(spaces of contradiction)存在於教師與校長可能會再次想像他們的專業生活,藉由如此,時時警惕他們自我認同的改造以及他們的生活故事。
摘要(英文): In this paper we explore school reform in terms of possibilities for interrupting school stories and stories of school. Drawing on a narrative reconceptualization of school reform, we use two narrative accounts from two school settings, we offer an understanding of interruptions to school stories as momentary, gradual, and always in motion. Further we explore questions around spaces of contradiction and their place in school reform. We see spaces of contradiction as spaces where teachers and principals might re-imagine their professional lives and, in doing so, stay wakeful to the reforming of their identities, their stories to live by, in relation with school stories and stories of school.
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