
Curriculum: Who initiates? Who determines priorities? Who is responsible for what happens? Lessons from Australia

Colin J. Marsh

所屬期刊: 第1卷第1期 「課程與教學」
課程與教學研究所 莊明貞教授
系統編號: vol001_04
出版年份: 2005
作者: Colin J. Marsh
論文名稱: 課程:誰發起?誰決定優先順序?誰負責所發生的?澳洲的經驗
論文名稱(英文): Curriculum: Who initiates? Who determines priorities? Who is responsible for what happens? Lessons from Australia
論文頁數: 0
英文關鍵字: Curriculum initiatives; Curriculum priorities; Curriculum implementation; Responsibility for curriculum
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摘要(中文): 澳洲的課程決定大多取決於州以及國家(聯邦)層級。雖然教育屬於州層級的職責,但最近幾年聯邦政府對課程決定已有越來越多的影響,並以多元的方式施加影響,誠如藉由贊助或籌設新的計畫方案、提供誘因給學校、以及靠著扣押或不允准特定計畫方案的經費來提供對州層級教育體制的障礙因素/誘因。
  政治協商沒有極神聖規則。為了解某些過程,研究一般常被詢問有關課程決定的四個高度政治問題是中肯的。而這四個問題與發起(initiating)、決定(determining)、落實課程(implementing curriculum)、責任歸屬(who has responsibility)有關聯。
摘要(英文): Curriculum decisions in Australia are largely the result of education decisions made at state and national (federal) levels. Although education is a state responsibility, in recent years the federal government has had a growing influence. It exerts influence in various ways such as by sponsoring or creating new programs, providing incentives for schools and providing disincentives/incentives for state education systems by withholding or not granting funds for particular programs.
Political bargaining has no sacrosanct rules. It is pertinent to examine four highly political questions commonly asked about curriculum decision-making to understand some of the processes. The four questions relate to initiating, determining, implementing curriculum and who has responsibility.
The federal government continues to take initiatives to develop new programs such as a national curriculum, national literacy and national benchmarks. The determination of policies is less clear. Although federal agencies attempt to wield influence through their financial incentives or disincentives, the directors of state education systems are still able to make major decisions about curriculum structures, quality standards, and assessment. Teachers and school principals continue to be the major persons responsible for the implementation of curricula. Responsibility for curricula can involve personnel at school-level and at system-level who monitor student achievements.
These four questions help us to unpack some of the complexities of curriculum decision-making. Not all decision-making in curriculum is ever reasonable or even wise. Many decisions are made which turn out to be short-lived but then others persist which continue for many decades and in turn become very difficult to overturn.
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