
Teacher Receptivity to and Concerns about Curriculum Change: An Exploration of Research on Curriculum Implementation


所屬期刊: 第1卷第1期 「課程與教學」
課程與教學研究所 莊明貞教授
系統編號: vol001_06
主題: 課程與教學
出版年份: 2005
作者: 李子建
論文名稱: 教師對課程變革的認同感和關注:課程實施研究的探討
論文名稱(英文): Teacher Receptivity to and Concerns about Curriculum Change: An Exploration of Research on Curriculum Implementation
論文頁數: 22
中文關鍵字: 認同感;關注階段;課程實施;情意因素
英文關鍵字: receptivity; Stage of Concerns; curriculum implementation; affective and conative factors
稿件字數: 15452
投稿日期: 2005/5/3
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摘要(中文): 對教師個人因素的關注是實施研究的一個新的發展趨勢。然而,現有的教師個人因素的分析大都採取了認知取向的研究策略,其研究對象也主要集中在教師的認知領域,對教師的情意因素關注不夠。在針對教師情意因素進行的實施研究中,認同感與關注階段是兩個值得我們注意的課題。本文首先簡要整理了認同感與關注階段的理論脈絡;然後結合近年來的一些實證研究結果,尤其是香港和大陸的經驗,對課程實施中的這兩種教師情意因素做出了初步分析;其次,作者從理論架構和實證研究兩個角度嘗試分析了認同感與關注階段之間的關係;在結語部分,本文總結了認同感與關注階段研究給課程實施帶來的啟示,並提出了認同感與關注的實施研究在未來的發展方向。
摘要(英文): Focusing on teachers’ personal factors is one of the new trends in implementation research. However, most of the existing inquiries on teachers personal factors adopt a cognitive approach, which pays much more attention on teachers cognition than their affective and conative factors. In the implementation researches on teachers affective and conative factors, receptivity and Stage of Concerns(SoC) are two special and important issues. First, this paper introduces the theoretical frameworks of receptivity and SoC in brief. Then, we discuss the two factors role in implementation research based on the empirical studies recently published, especially the experiences in Hong Kong and Mainland China. Third, we make a preliminary analysis on the relationship between the two factors from the theoretical and empirical perspectives. In the last part, we conclude the practical implications of receptivity and SoC researches to curriculum implementation, and bring about some directions and issues for future researchers to explore.
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