
Application of Habit Psychology in Testing and Measurement

Yung-Ho Ko

所屬期刊: 第1卷第3期 「測驗與評量」
應用心理學系 林邦傑教授
系統編號: vol003_01
主題: 測驗與評量
出版年份: 2005
作者: 柯永河
作者(英文): Yung-Ho Ko
論文名稱: 習慣心理學之應用於測驗與評量
論文名稱(英文): Application of Habit Psychology in Testing and Measurement
論文頁數: 26
中文關鍵字: 習慣心理學;習慣量表;良好教學工作習慣;良好學習習慣
英文關鍵字: habit psychology; habit scales; good teaching habit scales; good learning habit scales
服務單位: 國立台灣大學心理學系名譽教授
稿件字數: 17989
投稿日期: 2005/10/4
論文下載: pdf檔案icon
摘要(中文): 本文之目的有三;一為介紹在日常生活中素為人人皆知,但在學術領域卻鮮為學者使用的「習慣」概念,二為說明筆者從事開拓習慣心理學一支學問所經過之路程、近況及其重要性,而三為指出習慣概念在教育理論與實務工作,尤其在教育有關測量工具編製上之可用性與重要性。


摘要(英文): The article tries to attain three purposes; firstly, to introduce functions of the concept of habit which is very familiar to laymen but unpopular among behavior scientists; secondly to narrate the author’s efforts in the development of habit psychology, the road the author has gone through, and the results the present author has achieved so far; and thirdly, to point out the possibilities and importance of applications of the concept of habit to the exploration of educational theories and the development of related instruments for the betterment of research activities in education.

In the article, “the habit” is defined as a basic psychological unit, consisting of a stable relation between the stimulus and the response. Thus the concept is very short, simple, and rigid, but is able to encompass most psychological and behavioral phenomenon. Therefore, it is easily accepted by scholars in every academic area, and it is also therefore possible to unite many important findings in different scientific areas of behavior, and to establish a grand common theory for behavior scientists, and to break the very long lasting barriers, segregating pedagogy from clinical psychology, psychiatry, or counseling psychology, etc.

In the last part of the article, the author sternly points out that there is much space in education for the concept of habit to exercise its potential contributions, including the development of habit scales, such as good teaching habits for teachers, good student habits, or good interpersonal relation habits for students.
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