The Application of the Performance Assessment in the Course of Gender Relationship for the students of an Institute of Science and Technology
Ching_Ju Li
Ching_Ju Li
所屬期刊: |
第1卷第3期 「測驗與評量」 主編:玄奘大學 應用心理學系 林邦傑教授 |
系統編號: | vol003_06 |
主題: | 測驗與評量 |
出版年份: | 2005 |
作者: | 李靜如 |
作者(英文): | Ching_Ju Li |
論文名稱: | 實作評量在兩性關係課程上的應用:以技術學院學生為例 |
論文名稱(英文): | The Application of the Performance Assessment in the Course of Gender Relationship for the students of an Institute of Science and Technology |
共同作者: | |
最高學歷: | |
校院名稱: | |
系所名稱: | |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 30 |
中文關鍵字: | 實作評量;檔案評量;兩性關係課程 |
英文關鍵字: | performance assessment; portfolio assessment; the course of Gender Relationship |
服務單位: | 元培科學技術學院通識教育中心 |
稿件字數: | 19800 |
作者專長: | 教育心理與輔導;兩性關係 |
投稿日期: | 2005/08/27 |
論文下載: | ![]() |
摘要(中文): | 為了解實作評量在兩性關係課程上應用的成效,本研究特針對93年2月至6月選修研究者通識「兩性關係」課程之技術學院學生91人進行研究,將實作評量融入兩性關係課程教學中,並調查其對各課程單元滿意度及教學評量方法喜好度,以及各評量方法與喜好度、滿意度間相關,並研究不同性別學生對實作評量融入課程的滿意度、喜好度與各種評量方法成績之差異。經描述統計、相關分析、t考驗等量化處理並加上受試資料佐證。結果發現:(1)實作評量融入兩性關係課程教學後在認知方面:多數學生認為自己已吸收了解該單元知識、更會察覺思考,對婚前性行為的態度由贊成到反對改變者達42﹪;在技能方面:多數學生認為有助於兩性互動、且更謹慎面對是否發生婚前性行為、較會處理問題與自助助人;在情意方面:多數學生喜歡每個單元、且覺自己更有自信有收穫。(2)不同教學評量方式受試者喜歡度方面:「情歌情史分享」最受學生青睞、第二為「回饋」、第三為「老師講授」、第四為「分組討論」與「檔案作業」、第六為「角色扮演」、最後為「分組報告」。(3)學生對實作評量融入教學「總滿意度」與各教學評量方法「總喜歡度」間有顯著正相關;「分組報告」與「分組討論、角色扮演、情歌情史分享」間有顯著正相關;「出席成績」與「分組討論、角色扮演、情歌情史分享」間有顯著正相關;「實作評量總成績」與「紙筆測驗」成績間有顯著正相關;「檔案作業」與其他評量方法與「滿意度」「喜好度」間均無顯著相關。(4)不同性別學生對實作評量融入兩性關係教學「總滿意度」有顯著不同,女生「總滿意度」高於男生;不同性別學生在「檔案評量」分數上有顯著不同,女生顯著高於男生 |
摘要(英文): | The purpose of this research is to know the effect of the performance assessment in the course of Gender Relationship. The subjects were 91 students electing the course of Gender Relationship from February to June in 2004. The researcher used the performance assessment in the Course of Gender Relationship to survey the satisfaction and the preference level and the scores of all kinds of assessment methods of the subjects and to know the correlations among them. In addition, she tried to investigate the gender differences in satisfaction and preference, and all kinds of assessment methods. Data collected were analyzed by descriptive statistics, correlation and t-test. The findings were as follows: First, in the cognitive domain, most students thought they could understand every course unit, they could think more critically, and about 42 ﹪ of students said that their attitude toward pre-marital sex changed from acceptance to rejection. In psychomotor domain, most students thought they learned very useful male-female interaction skills, they thought more carefully about whether to have pre-marital sex or not, and they could deal with their own problems better and helped others as well. In affective domain, most students liked each unit, they became more confident and felt they learned a lot from the course. Second, in terms of students’ preference towards the course, they liked to share love songs and romance most, followed by feedback, teacher’s lecturing, group discussion, portfolio, role playing and, the least liked, group report. Third, there were significantly positive correlations between students “general satisfaction level” and “general preference level”, between “group report” and “group discussion, role playing and the sharing of love song and romance”, between “attendance grading” and “group discussion, role playing and the sharing of love song and romance”, between “the total score performance assessment” and “paper-and-pencil test”. However, there were no significantly positive correlations among “the portfolio scores”, “the scores of other assessment methods” and “satisfaction and preference level.” Fourth, there was significant gender difference in “general satisfaction level” and “the portfolio scores” toward using performance assessment in the course of Gender Relationship. In both cases, girls were higher than boys. |
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