
The Eye Movements and Scoring Stability of Test Evaluator Using Computer Moniters: An Example for Geography Assessment

Ming-Yen Lee

所屬期刊: 第1卷第3期 「測驗與評量」
應用心理學系 林邦傑教授
系統編號: vol003_08
主題: 測驗與評量
出版年份: 2005
作者: 李明燕
作者(英文): Ming-Yen Lee
論文名稱: 閱卷者之眼球運動與評分穩定度之研究:以地理科電腦螢幕閱卷為例
論文名稱(英文): The Eye Movements and Scoring Stability of Test Evaluator Using Computer Moniters: An Example for Geography Assessment
最高學歷: PH.D.
校院名稱: 台灣師範大學
系所名稱: 地理所
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 36
中文關鍵字: 電腦螢幕閱卷; 眼球運動; 評分穩定性
英文關鍵字: Computer monitor scoring; eye movement; scoring stability
服務單位: 彰化師範大學地理系
稿件字數: 12500
作者專長: 地理教育
投稿日期: 2005/09/22
論文下載: pdf檔案icon
摘要(中文): 當試卷無法全面利用電腦自動評分時,另一種閱卷方式是將考生答案卷掃描為影像檔,閱卷者透過網路在電腦螢幕前閱卷。為瞭解閱卷者在電腦螢幕閱卷的眼球運動及評分的穩定定,本研究以眼動儀搜集閱卷者眼球運動的資料,以紙筆閱卷、電腦螢幕閱卷(無眼動儀)及電腦螢幕閱卷(戴眼動儀)三種閱卷工具搜集閱卷者的評分資料。實驗結果發現,在眼球運動方面,年齡較高且平日較少電腦之閱卷者的眨眼次數較多,且在更換試題之際眨眼次數明顯增多,眼動個數亦以年齡組最高者較多,不過各年齡閱卷者在各題的凝視時間都相當短促,而在換大題之際明顯增加;在評分穩定性方面,則發現受到答案形式及評分指標影響,代碼型答案的評分穩定性最高,專有名詞評分穩定性次之,作圖評分穩定性最低。
摘要(英文): When a test cannot be scored automatically by the computer, one substitution is to scan the answer sheets and have evaluators read the image files through the computer network. In order to understand evaluators’ eye movements and scoring stability, the evaluators’ eye movements were monitored while scoring paper-and-pencil items, and while scoring computer items with or without an eye tracker.
The results showed that the evaluators with less computer experience, and those among the older age groups exhibited more frequent eye blinking, especially while the items were being changed. The oldest age group had the highest eye movement activity. All three types of scoring showed very short gazing times on small items, and longer gazing time when shifting to larger items. Criteria for evaluation, and the format of answers played critical roles in determining scoring stability. Stability was highest for coding items, followed by items dealing with specialized terms, and the lowest stability when scoring mapping.
參考文獻: 中國教育考試網,網上閱卷系統,2005年8月28日取自 http://www.neea.edu.cn/ksxxh/wsyj.htm
計世網,高考開鑼 金蝶中間件支稱網上閱卷系統,2005年6月8日,取自http://www.ccw.com.cn/news2/mfr/htm2005/20050608_11OGD.htm
Chung, Gregory k. w. k.; O’Neil, Harold F,. Jr. (1997), Methodological Approaches to Online Scoring of Essays (CSE Technical Report 461), National Center for Research on Evaluation, Standards, and Student Testing. (ERIC Document Resume ED 418101)
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Vantage Laboratories, 2005年8月28日,取自 http://www.vantage.com/