
Interpretation and Implication of Quality Teaching

Hong-Chu Chien

所屬期刊: 第2卷第2期 「課程與教學」
系統編號: vol005_01
主題: 課程與教學
出版年份: 2006
作者: 簡紅珠
作者(英文): Hong-Chu Chien
論文名稱: 優質教學釋義與啟示
論文名稱(英文): Interpretation and Implication of Quality Teaching
論文頁數: 18
中文關鍵字: 優質教學、分化式教學、學課研究、教學評鑑、教師專業發展
英文關鍵字: quality teaching, differentiated instruction, Lesson Study, evaluation of teaching, professional development
服務單位: 新竹教育大學教育系所教授
稿件字數: 11591
作者專長: 課程教學、師範教育
投稿日期: 2006/4/30
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摘要(中文): 本文旨在闡釋Fenstermacher與Richardson對優質教學的詮釋,並參考此詮釋,提出優質教學對我國教師的課室教學、專業成長、與教學評鑑的一些啟示。根據Fenstermacher與Richardson的詮釋,優質教學結合良好教學與成功教學兩種特質,不但對學習者要敏感,也要求學生學習表現良好。優質教學對我國教師的課室教學、專業成長、和教學評鑑的啟示如下: 一、在強調學科或領域的學習成就之際,也應重視分化式教學; 二、為達優質教學,教師應加強對學生的學習與認知思考的「看」、「聽」、和「讀」; 三、教師專業發展應與教師課堂教學和學生學習直接相關,日本教師專業成長活動「學課研究」,可資仿效;四、教學品質的評定應從多重面相去考量。
摘要(英文): This article tries to illustrate the interpretation of quality teaching by Fenstermacher and Richardson and to draw some implications of quality teaching for classroom teaching, professional development, and evaluation of teaching in Taiwan. According to Fenstermacher and Richardson, quality teaching can be understood as an integration of both good and successful teaching with good teaching being learner sensitive while successful teaching being learning dependent. The implications of quality teaching are as follows: 1.Differentiated instruction is recommended to practice along with standardization of individual differences and teaching to the test in current curricular and teaching practice; 2.To obtain quality teaching, teachers should be able to see, to hear, and to read their students’ minds and learning; 3. Professional development should be targeted and directly related to teachers’ classroom teaching and students’ learning. Lesson Study, a Japanese form of professional development, could be a good alternative for professional development in our schools; 4. The quality of teaching must be assessed multi-dimensionally.
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