The Study of Student Teachers Pedagogical Content Knowledge: Lesson Plan and Teaching Practice
Ming-Chih Sun
Ming-Chih Sun
所屬期刊: |
第2卷第2期 「課程與教學」 主編:國立台南大學 黃政傑校長 |
系統編號: | vol005_04 |
主題: | 課程與教學 |
出版年份: | 2006 |
作者: | 孫敏芝 |
作者(英文): | Ming-Chih Sun |
論文名稱: | 實習教師學科教學知識之探討:教學設計與教學實務 |
論文名稱(英文): | The Study of Student Teachers Pedagogical Content Knowledge: Lesson Plan and Teaching Practice |
共同作者: | |
最高學歷: | |
校院名稱: | |
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語文別: | |
論文頁數: | 26 |
中文關鍵字: | 實習教師;學科教學知識 |
英文關鍵字: | student teachers;pedagogical content knowledge. |
服務單位: | 國立屏東教育大學 初等教育系教授 |
稿件字數: | 18491 |
作者專長: | 教育社會學研究、專題研討 |
投稿日期: | 2006/4/18 |
論文下載: | ![]() |
摘要(中文): | 本研究之目的在探究某教育大學四十位大五實習教師學科教學知識的內涵與特質。本研究採用質化研究法,蒐集的資料包括教室觀察、實習教師繳交的試教心得、實習時的單元教學設計與半結構試晤談資料。 研究結果發現,超過一半的實習教師表示在試教之前是先構思教材內容之重點,超過三分之一的實習教師先考慮教學目標,有百分之二十的實習教師先設計教學策略,只有兩位個案表明會先思考兒童經驗。百分之五十的實習教師認為教學策略最難設計,約三分之一的實習教師自承難以掌控兒童學習經驗。 從觀察實習教師的試教活動中發現,實習教師對兒童學習特質的理解是其教學知識中最弱的一環,試教時他們常採用遊戲、說故事或小組討論等方法,但因為缺乏對兒童學習特質與學習情境的理解,因此,無法掌握教學策略的有效性與目的性。 本研究認為學科教學知識是融合學科內容重點、兒童經驗、有效教學策略與教室情境的教材教法知識,透過實習的實務磨練,實習教師可從不斷累積的教學經驗中,淬鍊出更豐富的學科教學知識。 |
摘要(英文): | The aim of this study was to explore the essential characteristics of student teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) during the period of their fifth year teaching practice. The data were collected using qualitative methods which included classroom observations, lesson plans and semi-structured interviews. It was found that when writing the lesson plan, 50% of student teachers looked at subject content first. One third of them invented teaching strategies first while only two of them considered children’s experiences first. Inventing teaching strategies was a common difficulty experienced by 50% of the student teachers in designing lesson plans, while one third of them admitted that they found it hard to understand pupils’ learning experiences. By observing student teachers’ teaching, it was found that knowledge of children’s learning traits was the weakest part of their teaching knowledge. They tended to adopt strategies such as play, story-telling and team work when teaching. However, due to a lack of understanding of pupils’ learning and classroom context, it was hard for them to grasp the effectiveness and purpose of teaching methods. The study suggested that PCK is an amalgam of subject content, experience with children, effective teaching strategies and the classroom context. Through teaching practice and the accumulation of experience, student teachers can develop an enriched PCK. |
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