
Student Teachers' Beliefs about Creativity at Buffalo

Yi-Ching Huang

所屬期刊: 第2卷第2期 「課程與教學」
系統編號: vol005_08
主題: 課程與教學
出版年份: 2006
作者: 黃怡靜
作者(英文): Yi-Ching Huang
論文名稱: 在Buffalo地區實習老師對創造力的看法
論文名稱(英文): Student Teachers' Beliefs about Creativity at Buffalo
論文頁數: 22
中文關鍵字: 創造力;實習教師;信念
英文關鍵字: creativity;student teachers;beliefs
服務單位: 元培科學技術學院助理教授
稿件字數: 7828
作者專長: Professional Development;
投稿日期: 2006/3/4
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摘要(中文): 此研究的目的是在探討實習教師對創造力,創造力的結果,以及與創造力相關的原因的信念與看法。這些教師對創造力的看法與信念是透過多向的問題與七位教師進行開放式的個人訪談。
實習教師對創造力的看法與信念的模型包括創造力相關現象,促進創造力的策略,其間變化的背景環境, 與創造力的策略的影響。 這些教師認為有創造力的教師必需培養個人的創造力,並且須有自信地表達出來。他們必須嘗試為他們的學生提供不同的學習機會,並且鼓勵他們去開發他們特別相關而且有興趣的領域.學生必須瞭解犯錯是創造的一部份而且不代表失敗。教室必須是我們能挑戰我們自己的假設且保持我們的心境有彈性與開放 的安全環境。此外,教師對各種不同的層級的學生必須是開放,在他們如何設計與增進他們的學習經驗上必須是有創意的。此研究顯示出大學教授只談論創造力,卻很少去促進。因此,此研究建議在Buffalo地區需要著重在 師資培訓方面的創造力訓練。
摘要(英文): The primary purpose of the study is to examine student teachers’ beliefs about creativity, creative outcomes and factors related to creativity. Their beliefs about creativity are elicited through open-ended individual interviews with seven student teachers with multiple types of questions and statements.
The model for student teachers’ beliefs about creativity in this study includes phenomena related to creativity; strategies for facilitating creativity; background of factors, and consequences of strategies for creativity. These participants believe that a creative teacher must develop personal creativity, and is confident in expressing it. One must try to provide diverse learning opportunities for students and encourage them to explore areas that are particularly relevant and interesting to them. Students must understand that mistakes are part of creativity and does not represent failure. Classrooms must be safe environments where one can challenge ones own assumptions and keep ones mind open and flexible. Furthermore, the teacher must be open and available to students on all levels, and creative in how one design and facilitate the learning experiences.
This study showed that creativity appears to be an attribute that professors enjoy talking about, but do very little to foster. Therefore, this study suggests that the teacher education program in Buffalo should place greater stress on creativity training.
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