
French Teacher Education System in Transition

Wei-Fan Kuo

所屬期刊: 第3卷第1期 「師資培育」
系統編號: vol008_02
主題: 師資培育
出版年份: 2007
作者: 郭為藩
作者(英文): Wei-Fan Kuo
論文名稱: 法國師資培育制度的轉型
論文名稱(英文): French Teacher Education System in Transition
論文頁數: 14
中文關鍵字: 師範學校;高等師範學院;國家教師會試;教師培育學院;師資多元化
英文關鍵字: normal school;normal university;aggregation;IUFM;diversified teacher training
服務單位: 國立台灣師範大學社會教育系名譽教授
稿件字數: 9147
作者專長: 自我心理學、教育政策、特殊教育
投稿日期: 2006/11/30
論文下載: pdf檔案icon
摘要(中文): 法國於十九世紀前期設置師範學校、高等師範學院並建置中等以上學校教師國家會試制度,成為傳統師範教育的基本模式,對世界許多地區的師資培養體制影響甚深。二次大戰後法國一般大學開始加入中等學校教師培育行列,透過其師資培育中心協助學生準備教師適性證書檢定考試,與師範院校並列,成為師資培育多元化的另一模式。一九九一年的改革,法國師範學校歸併為三十一所教師培育學院(IUFM),納入大學體制,中小學教師合流培養,又呈現教師培育體制新風貌。本文透過法國師資培育制度演變的背景分析,闡述師範教育的特性及其在師資培育多元化系統中之關鍵地位,省思國內師資多元化制度之變質與師範教育已名存實亡之危機。
摘要(英文): France created its école normale supérieure、école normale and Aggrégation system in the early 19th century which served as a model of traditional teacher training and certification around the world. After the Second World War French universities joined the teacher preparation programs in cooperation with the centre pédagogique regional to provide mainly junior high school teachers (so called les professeurs certifiés )at their teacher education centers (IPES) and thus represented a diversified model of teacher preparation. Since 1991 with the re-structuring of normale schools into 31 university institutes of teacher formation (IUFM), the preparation of primary and secondary teachers in France has been merged into a single, integrated system. Even those qualified for the professeur certifié have to pass one year in the IUFM for pedagogical courses and teaching practice.
This paper attempts to analyze the background of the evolution of the teacher education system in France and to draw some lessons for future reforms of teacher preparation in Taiwan.
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