
A Study on Centre for Teacher Education in Germany

Shen-Keng Yang

所屬期刊: 第3卷第1期 「師資培育」
系統編號: vol008_03
主題: 師資培育
出版年份: 2007
作者: 楊深坑
作者(英文): Shen-Keng Yang
論文名稱: 德國師資培育中心歷史發展與組織結構
論文名稱(英文): A Study on Centre for Teacher Education in Germany
論文頁數: 22
中文關鍵字: 師資培育中心;組織結構;德國
英文關鍵字: Centre for Teacher Education;Organizational;Structure Germany
服務單位: 教育部國家講座教授;國立中正大學副校長
稿件字數: 13231
作者專長: 教育哲學、科學哲學、價值哲學、道德哲學
投稿日期: 2006/11/30
論文下載: pdf檔案icon
摘要(中文): 本文旨在分析德國師資培育中心之歷史源起、發展脈絡、組織結構及功能運作。師資培育中心從1990年代之實驗到目前各大學廣泛設置在於糾正德國師資培育傳統職前教育、實習與進修教育各自為政,大學和中小學及地方教育行政缺乏協調之失。當前多數德國大學均將師資培育中心定位為跨院系之一級學術單位,中心由理事會審議大學中的師資培育相關議題與政策,交由常設或任務編組之工作小組或計畫小組執行,以收研究、發展、執行與協調之功能。最後,本文建議我國宜在相關法規中明定師資培育中心為跨院系之一級學術單位,強化其研究、發展以及與師資培育相關單位協調之功能。
摘要(英文): This paper attempts to analyze the historical origin, influential factors and organizational structure of centres for teacher education in German universities. The experiment and establishment of centres for teacher education almost in all German universities represent a revolutionary breakthrough of teacher education in Germany. The policy inconsistencies between pre-service education, practicum and in-service training and the lack of coordination between institutes involved in teacher training have been gradually remedied by the establishment of Teacher Education Centres in many German universities. The Centre for Teacher Education, stipulated by the Teacher Education Act in many German states as a central cross-faculty academic unit within the university, undertakes the tasks to initiate and coordinate research, curriculum development, practicum program, career counseling and services in various teacher training institutes. Thus it plays a vital role in the future teacher education reform in Germany. Finally, recommendations are proposed to improve teacher education in Taiwan.
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