
An Inquiry of Partnership between Private Universities and Their Local Communities

Flora F. Tien

所屬期刊: 第3卷第1期 「師資培育」
系統編號: vol008_05
主題: 師資培育
出版年份: 2007
作者: 田芳華
作者(英文): Flora F. Tien
論文名稱: 私立大學與社區互動關係之探究
論文名稱(英文): An Inquiry of Partnership between Private Universities and Their Local Communities
論文頁數: 32
中文關鍵字: 大學;社區;生活品質;服務功能
英文關鍵字: university;local community;life quality;service
服務單位: 國立台灣大學師資培育中心助理教授
稿件字數: 20458
作者專長: 高等教育、教育政策
投稿日期: 2006/11/30
論文下載: pdf檔案icon
摘要(中文): 本研究旨在探討大學和地方社區之間的互動關係。本文藉實證調查和訪談瞭解中原、東海、輔仁、和逢甲四所大學師生及其地方居民對於大學社區生活品質的認知、評價和期待。本實證研究發現:(1)大學的服務功能雖排在教學和研究之後,但師生都贊成社區服務應成為大學教育的一部份。(2)大學的存在,對附近社區生活品質的提昇具有正面貢獻,亦為促進地方繁榮的關鍵。(3)學校和社區互動下所產生的交通、垃圾、和學生吵雜等問題是四所受訪大學的共通特性。(4)居民和師生表示遇有問題時,對學校有和社區是否有共同商量解決問題對策的管道並不清楚。(5)各校社區居民在資源的需求同中有異。多數民眾希望學校開放體育館和圖書館。逢甲大學居民希望能到學校聽專題演講、欣賞藝文表演。東海大學居民對訓練班的興趣較濃。(6)師生認為不同服務項目應依照居民住家離大學的遠近區分服務對象。逢甲和東海師生認為可開放圖書給縣市居民,而中原、輔仁師生認為宜以社區居民為主。輔仁大學希望在宗教活動上以台北縣民眾為服務對象。本研究結果除能增進大學與社區互動狀況之瞭解外,並可提供大學採取加強與社區互動關係措施之參考。
摘要(英文): This article explored how members of private universities and residents nearby campuses perceive relationships between each other. Survey and intensive interview were used to investigate the perceptions and expectations of faculty, students and local residents about their life quality and the services provided by four private universities. Results showed that: (1) University faculty and students tended to believe that local community service should be integrated into college education. (2) These universities did improve the life quality of residents living near around campus. They helped local economy as well. (3) All four communities had similar problems, including traffic jams, garbage disposal difficulty, and noise due to the existence of these universities. (4) Residents around campuses did not know how to communicate with university authorities when problems between them occurred. (5) Demands of university service by local residents varied in different communities. Most local residents demanded access to university sports facilities and libraries. Residents near Feng Chia University hoped to attend seminars and art performances. Residents of Tunghai University campus wished to participate in training workshops. (6) The majority of faculty and students believed that the service provided by universities should vary with different customers. Faculty and students at Feng Chia University and Tunghai University welcome the idea of providing access of university libraries to county residents. Faculty and students of both Chung Yuan Christian University and Fu Jen Catholic University wanted such facilities open to local residents only. With regard to the religious services, Fu Jen Catholic University chose to reserve service to citizens in the Taipei County. The results of the study have not only enhanced our understanding of the relationship between private university and their local residents, but also supply reference information to universities for promoting their positive relationship with local communities.
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