
A Study of the Curriculum Practice of Citizenship Education in England: the Cases of Birmingham

Wen-Ko Chan

所屬期刊: 第3卷第2期 「課程與教學」
系統編號: vol009_02
主題: 課程與教學
出版年份: 2007
作者: 詹文克
作者(英文): Wen-Ko Chan
論文名稱: 英格蘭公民資質教育教學實施之研究:以伯明罕地區為例
論文名稱(英文): A Study of the Curriculum Practice of Citizenship Education in England: the Cases of Birmingham
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 28
中文關鍵字: 公民資質教育;課程實施
英文關鍵字: citizenship education;curriculum practice
服務單位: 雙福基金會特約研究員
稿件字數: 51769
作者專長: 生命教育;教育政策分析
投稿日期: 2007/4/4
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摘要(中文): 英國在2002年八月開始,將公民資質教育納入國訂課程(National Curriculum),正式成為中等學校的教學科目之一,本研究的目的在探討此一新課程如何被推動,以及學校如何在他們個別環境中發展有效的教學實施,換言之,本研究企圖檢視目前的教學實施與確認哪些課程實施策略有助於公民資質教育在學校的實施。
摘要(英文): Since August 2002, citizenship education has become a National Curriculum subject in secondary schools in UK. This study explored how this new curriculum can be promoted and how schools can develop effective practices in their own settings. In other words, it aimed to examine current practice and identify what strategies of curriculum practice can help to deliver these aspects of citizenship education in schools.
The project selected three ‘exemplary’ state secondary schools in England for analysis, examining their strategies of implementation and the transferability of their good practices was evaluated. These case-study schools were chosen because of their particular role in the development of policy and their commitment to curriculum management. The research was based on qualitative data from school observation and from interviews with teachers. The findings revealed very different curriculum models and teaching approaches among the schools, but the study was able to identify a number of good practice features, serving as examples for other schools in delivering citizenship education.
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