A Study of Incorporating Science Writing in Field-based Inquiry Teaching
Ming-Jun Su;Hao-Chang Lo
Ming-Jun Su;Hao-Chang Lo
所屬期刊: |
第3卷第2期 「課程與教學」 主編:國立政治大學教育學研究所 黃炳煌教授 |
系統編號: | vol009_07 |
主題: | 課程與教學 |
出版年份: | 2007 |
作者: | 蘇明俊;羅豪章 |
作者(英文): | Ming-Jun Su;Hao-Chang Lo |
論文名稱: | 科學寫作融入野外探究教學之研究 |
論文名稱(英文): | A Study of Incorporating Science Writing in Field-based Inquiry Teaching |
共同作者: | 羅豪章 |
最高學歷: | |
校院名稱: | |
系所名稱: | |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 26 |
中文關鍵字: | 五段式科學寫作引導;多元評量;科學寫作;野外探究教學 |
英文關鍵字: | field-based inquiry;five-stage science writing guide;multiple assessment;science writing |
服務單位: | 樹德科技大學休閒事業管理系助理教授;中山醫學大學師資培育中心副主任 |
稿件字數: | 22977 |
作者專長: | 科學教育、探究教學 |
投稿日期: | 2007/1/20 |
論文下載: | |
摘要(中文): | 諸多相關研究及文獻顯示,融入科學寫作的教學,有助於學生科學學習;結合野外教學和科學探究的野外探究教學,讓學習者得以在自然真實的情境中學習科學,也讓科學學習更活潑生動。本研究旨在探討如何將科學寫作融入野外探究教學之中,並評估在野外探究教學中,以科學寫作作為多元評量工具的適切性。在連續四年(2001年至2004年)舉辦野外探究教學歷程中,研究團隊以行動研究的方式發現,將科學寫作融入野外探究教學的過程中,學生在進行心得寫作時,無法順利地將其學習成果透過作文方式呈現出來,因此研究團隊發展出五段式科學寫作引導模式,透過破題、描述、延伸、加強以及結論五個階段的寫作引導,協助學生在野外探究學習活動中進行心得寫作。經由研究證實:透過此科學寫作模式,確能有效協助學生在野外探究教學活動中進行心得寫作。此外,根據科學寫作的觀點,分析學生於野外探究教學中所撰寫的心得寫作發現,活動所安排的心得寫作對受測學生而言難度適中,且具有鑑別學生科學寫作能力高低的作用,教學者也可以透過心得寫作瞭解到學生在認知、情意、技能三個領域教學目標的學習情形,顯示以心得寫作做為野外探究教學的多元評量工具,確具其適切性。最後,本文亦針對後續研究及教學推廣提出若干的建議。 |
摘要(英文): | According to the literature, incorporating science writing in science teaching is helpful for science learning. Field-based inquiry teaching, a combination of field teaching and science inquiry, creates authentic circumstances in nature for students to learn science. This paper aims to discuss how to incorporate science writing in field-based inquiry teaching and evaluate the applicability of using science writing as a tool for multiple assessments in field-based inquiry teaching. Field-based inquiry teaching activities for this research were conducted from 2001 to 2004. The research team found that in the first two years students who participated in the activities could not finish their tasks. The researchers believed that it was necessary to provide a framework of writing in teaching activities. Hence, the team developed a strategy, called “five-stage science writing guide”, that includes introduction, description, expansion, strengthening, and conclusion. The results indicated that students could complete science writing for field-based inquiry activities using the framework of writing given by the writing guide. The analysis of the students’ writing about what they had learned in field-based inquiry proved that the difficulty level of the writing was appropriate and demonstrated the students’ writing capability and their viewpoints of science. This kind of science writing is also an appropriate tool for multiple assessments because it can assess student learning in cognitive, affective, and skill domains. Some suggestions for further research and educational expansion are also proposed. |
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