Initial Report of Year 2007 Taiwan Student Physical and Mental Development Study
Sunny S. J. Lin
Sunny S. J. Lin
所屬期刊: |
第3卷第4期 「測驗與評量」 主編:朝陽科技大學社工系 黃國彥教授 |
系統編號: | vol011_03 |
主題: | 測驗與評量 |
出版年份: | 2007 |
作者: | 林珊如;黃芳銘;黃國彥...等人 |
作者(英文): | Sunny S. J. Lin |
論文名稱: | 2007年「台灣學生身心發展研究」初步報告 |
論文名稱(英文): | Initial Report of Year 2007 Taiwan Student Physical and Mental Development Study |
共同作者: | ;黃芳銘;黃國彥;「台灣生身心發展研究小組」成員:洪若烈;江羽慈;常善媚;葉妤貞;陳俐君;陳中興黃博煜 |
最高學歷: | |
校院名稱: | |
系所名稱: | |
語文別: | |
論文頁數: | 28 |
中文關鍵字: | 學習、學習成果、青少年、身心發展、資料庫 |
英文關鍵字: | learning, learning outcome, adolescence, physical and mental development, database |
服務單位: | |
稿件字數: | 27305 |
作者專長: | 教育心理、學習心理學、認知與教學、教育測驗與評量、網路合作學習 |
投稿日期: | 2007/11/8 |
論文下載: | |
摘要(中文): | 「台灣學生身心發展研究」的目標為強化教育基礎研究,探索台灣地區青少年學生身心發展及學習現況。所收集的資料以「與學習直接相關的身心發展特質」為聚焦點,含性向、認知與學習策略、動機、自我相關特質四層面,也收集學生在學校的學習成果:含學習成就、身心健康、行為表現三個方向。研究對象取樣範圍為我國二十五縣市學生,涵蓋國小高年級、國中、高中三階段,2007年以分層叢集抽樣,受測學生總數為3734人,含國小1313人、國中1332人、高中1098人。2008年將選擇較小範圍樣本,進行追蹤。本研究之特性為:(1)選取的樣本提供橫斷式及追蹤小組資料。(2)選取的樣本資料可比較九年一貫課程實施初期與穩定期的學習發展狀況。(3)收集多元化身心發展特質資料,均與學習直接相關。(4)收集多元化學生在校學習成果資料,含學校真實情境中的學習成績、身心健康及行為表現。(5)收集的資料兼重「認知」、「情感」與「行為」取向。(6)收集的資料兼重「特定學科領域」及「泛學科領域」訊息。(7)可進行的資料分析含「個體差異」及「群體差異」。(8)資料分析結果可提供「政策實務建議」與「理論研究改進」。本研究收集的資料可補充國家型資料庫TASA與TEPS之不足,建議未來應建構出更為完整的教育資料庫。 |
摘要(英文): | The Taiwan Student Physical And Mental Development Study (PAMD) is a basic educational research study aiming at constructing an educational database to collect adolescent students’ schooling performance, as well as their physical and mental developmental data. Indicators of schooling performance in PAMD includes GPA, physical and mental health, and adaptive behavior. Targeted indicators of physical and mental development are directly related to learning, such as aptitude, cognitive and learning strategy, motivation, and self-relevance variables. A stratified cluster method was used to select year 2007 sample from schools in 25 counties of Taiwan. Three thousand seven hundred and thirty four students were in the resulting sample, with 1313 5th graders, 1332 7th graders and 1098 10th graders. The 2008 study will be a smaller scale panel study. PAMD is distinctive in that, (1) it provides both cross sectional and panel data. (2) It provides cross sectional data to compare schooling performances in various implementing stages of the “Grade 1-9 Curriculum.” (3) It gathers multiple indicators of adolescent physical and mental development that are directly related to learning. (4) It collects multiple indicators of adolescents’ schooling performance. (5) It includes cognitive, affective and behavioral data as well as (6) domain general versus domain specific data. (7) It presents data to analyze individual versus group differences. And finally, (8) it affords both policy making and theoretical improvement capacity. The construction of PAMD supplies data that TASA and TEPS, two educational databases, failed to include. |
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