
Multicultural Literacy Instrumentation:A Review and Prospect

Ya-Hsuan Wang

所屬期刊: 第3卷第4期 「測驗與評量」
系統編號: vol011_06
主題: 測驗與評量
出版年份: 2007
作者: 王雅玄
作者(英文): Ya-Hsuan Wang
論文名稱: 多元文化素養評量工具及其應用:現況與展望
論文名稱(英文): Multicultural Literacy Instrumentation:A Review and Prospect
論文頁數: 32
中文關鍵字: 多元文化素養、評量工具、多元文化能力指標
英文關鍵字: multicultural literacy, instrumentation, multicultural competence indicators
服務單位: 國立中正大學教育學研究所助理教授
稿件字數: 20074
作者專長: 研究方法論、測驗與評量、多變量分析、潛在變項模式分析
投稿日期: 2007/8/19
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摘要(中文): 在多元文化社會的今日,台灣的中小學教師在班級中已得面對原住民、閩南、客家、外省、跨國婚姻移民與外籍配偶子女等多樣文化背景的學生與家長,因此,教師本身需要多元文化素養以便提供文化回應教學與進行文化溝通。不過,相關實徵研究指出,缺乏多元文化素養是實踐多元文化教育最大的瓶頸。幸而,使用多元文化素養量表可以協助教師評估自身多元文化能力,也可作為多元文化訓練課程之評估量表,或多元文化教學之實用指引,甚至幫助學生評估學校環境是否具備多元文化氛圍。因此,多元文化素養量表具有多重功能可以協助教師提升自身的多元文化素養與教學。
摘要(英文): Today, school teachers in Taiwan have more opportunity to work with multi-ethnic students and parents. Multicultural literacy is therefore necessary for teachers to offer culturally responsive teaching and to make good cultural communication. Some empirical studies, however, show that most teachers are not yet prepared to practice multicultural education. The Multicultural Literacy Scale could help teachers evaluate their own multicultural competence and the multicultural training course they attend, as well as help students evaluate their school environment. In a word, the Multicultural Literacy Scale with multiple functions could help teachers promote their multicultural literacy.
Based on literature review, this article firstly argues the importance of developing instrumentation for evaluating teachers’ multicultural literacy; secondly, it reports the initial development, validation, and interpretation of an instrument designed to measure multicultural literacy in schools; thirdly, it proposes some multicultural training models in which teachers could make use of their multicultural literacy; and finally it suggests that a localized Multicultural Literacy Scale should be designed with the multiethnic views of Taiwan’s teachers together with a guide for school teachers’ use with practicing multicultural literacy in their pedagogy.
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