
Facilitating teacher professional development through 4-P Model: Experiences from Hong Kongs Partnership for Improvement of Learning and Teaching (PILT) Project

Lee Chi-kin John;Yin Hongbiao;Zhou Xiaoyan

所屬期刊: 第4卷第2期 「課程與教學」
澳門大學教育學院院長 單文經
系統編號: vol013_02
主題: 課程與教學
出版年份: 2008
作者: 李子建;尹弘?;周曉燕
作者(英文): Lee Chi-kin John;Yin Hongbiao;Zhou Xiaoyan
論文名稱: 以「4-P模式」促進教師專業發展:香港「優化教學協作計劃」的經驗
論文名稱(英文): Facilitating teacher professional development through 4-P Model: Experiences from Hong Kongs Partnership for Improvement of Learning and Teaching (PILT) Project
論文頁數: 32
中文關鍵字: 夥伴協作、課程改革、教師專業發展、4-P模式
英文關鍵字: partnership, curriculum reform, teacher professional development, 4-P Model
服務單位: 香港中文大學教育學院院長 / 大學與學校夥伴協作中心主任暨課程與教學學系教授;香港中文大學教育學院大學與學校夥伴學作中心副研究員;香港中文大學教育學院大學與學校夥伴協作中心副研究員 / 浙江師範大學教育學院講師
稿件字數: 21819
作者專長: 課程與教學
投稿日期: 2008/1/18
論文下載: pdf檔案icon
摘要(中文): 教師專業發展始終是課程與教學改革的關鍵環節。在香港,透過大學與學校夥伴協作推動課程改革及教師專業發展是當前的一個重要趨勢。「優化教學協作計劃」(Partnership for Improvement of Learning and Teaching(PILT)Project)是在香港教育局資助下,由香港中文大學教育學院大學與學校夥伴協作中心聯合多所中小學合作開展的一項探索,旨在?不同學習領域的教師提供專業支援,以提升教師的教學效能及專業能力,「4-P模式」則是該計劃在促進教師專業發展方面運用的基本策略。本文將依據「優化教學協作計劃」的經驗,主要圍繞大學與學校夥伴協作如何運作,以及在具體學科教學領域教師如何透過「4-P模式」優化教學實務、實現專業成長與發展專業社群等問題進行討論,並歸納「4-P模式」及「優化教學協作計劃」未來發展的方向。
摘要(英文): Teacher professional development is one of the key elements for curriculum and teaching reforms. Facilitating curriculum reform and teacher professional development through university and school partnerships is a notable trend in Hong Kong. The Partnership for Improvement of Learning and Teaching (PILT) project is an example of such a partnership, sponsored by the Education Bureau. It aims at providing professional support for teachers in different Key Learning Areas and improving their teaching effectiveness and professional competence. A 4-P Model is employed by the project to enhance teachers’ reflection and professional growth. Based on the experiences of PILT, this paper discusses the operation of university-school partnership and the application of 4-P Model into a subject to improve teachers’ teaching practice, to promote their professional growth, and to nurture a professional community. Suggestions for future development of the 4-P Model and the PILT project are also put forward.
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