
The Analysis of Instructional Practices on Gender Issues in Kindergarten: With the “Wedding” theme as an Example

Ru-Si Chen

所屬期刊: 第4卷第2期 「課程與教學」
澳門大學教育學院院長 單文經
系統編號: vol013_08
主題: 課程與教學
出版年份: 2008
作者: 陳儒晰
作者(英文): Ru-Si Chen
論文名稱: 幼兒園教學實務的性別議題之分析:以「結婚」的主題教學活動為例
論文名稱(英文): The Analysis of Instructional Practices on Gender Issues in Kindergarten: With the “Wedding” theme as an Example
論文頁數: 28
中文關鍵字: 幼兒園;教學實務;性別;結婚
英文關鍵字: Kindergarten;Instructional practices;Gender;Wedding
服務單位: 育達商業技術學院幼兒保育系助理教授
稿件字數: 25758
作者專長: 幼兒教育、教育社會學、資訊教育
投稿日期: 2007/3/19
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摘要(中文): 幼兒對於自我身體結構的生理面認識與體驗,教學活動融入性教育知識與相關衛生習慣,或運用單元或主題教學活動設計來規劃性別教育之教學與學習,此皆為當前幼兒性別議題之學習活動內容的實施主軸。但就如何學習尊重與平等對待不同性別的人群,且促使不同性別的幼兒免於受到性別歧視與偏見的再製,就難以在現存的兒教學實務中看到。因此,為了建構一個性別平等的社會,以性別平等為主要立論基礎的教學設計原則相當關鍵。本文首先針對幼兒園教學實務中隱喻的性別不平等進行批判與省思,並從主流文化對教學內容的性別角色銘刻中,尋思出性別平等觀點的教學活動設計原則;接下來,針對幼兒園教師選用的幼兒日常生活經驗的「結婚」之主題教學活動為例,思考教學活動設計的性別平等原則與教師自我性別意識之展現的實踐。最後,本文提出若干可行策略以為幼兒園教師在設計符合性別平等原則的教學實務之參考,包括突顯性別平等觀念在幼兒學習活動設計之融入價值、以尊重性別差異與多元文化價值為性別平等教學實踐之核心、彰顯教師自我性別平等意識的省思與建構。
摘要(英文): Whether kindergarten teachers integrate sex education and hygiene habits into instruction, or whether they employ theme approach in gender education, their emphasis is on children’s cognitions and experiences in their personal physical well-being. The instruction seldom includes respect for others and the equality of the sexes, pedagogies that would avoid the continuation of gender discrimination and sexual bias in current early childhood teaching practices. Therefore, in order to construct a gender equity society, instructional practices based on gender equity is essential. First the paper criticized and reflected upon gender inequality implicit in the existing pedagogy, then it attempted to uncover instructional design principles from the dominant culture that harbored equal gender roles. Using the “wedding” as a theme familiar to children, the researchers developed activities that included gender equity principles, and sought ways to increase teachers’ gender equity awareness. Finally, the article suggested several strategies to assist teaching in designing instruction that adhered to gender equity principles, such as stressing the value of gender equity, respecting gender differences, multiple cultural values, etc. as core practices in gender equity pedagogy, as well as emphasizing teacher reflection and construction of gender equity awareness.
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