
The Study of the Effect of Discussion and Role Model about Teaching Service Courses in University

Yu L. Chen

所屬期刊: 第4卷第2期 「課程與教學」
澳門大學教育學院院長 單文經
系統編號: vol013_10
主題: 課程與教學
出版年份: 2008
作者: 陳玉蘭
作者(英文): Yu L. Chen
論文名稱: 討論法與角色示範法對大學服務課程教學成效之探討
論文名稱(英文): The Study of the Effect of Discussion and Role Model about Teaching Service Courses in University
論文頁數: 28
中文關鍵字: 討論法;角色示範法;大學服務課程
英文關鍵字: Discussion;Role Model;Service Courses in University
服務單位: 長榮大學師資培育中心副教授
稿件字數: 31248
作者專長: 教育、教學
投稿日期: 2007/8/22
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摘要(中文): 本研究旨在探討角色示範法與討論法對大學服務課程的教學成效。以長榮大學一年級四個班級為研究對象,分為兩個同質的實驗組,在相同情況下,進行每週一小時、為期一學年、總計30小時的班級教學;第一學期第一實驗組以討論法教學,第二實驗組以角色示範法教學;第二學期則調換各組之教學方法。兩組各有82位學生之資料進入分析,結果發現:
摘要(英文): The purpose of this study was to discuss the effects of discussion and role modeling on the outcomes of service courses. We sampled students from four first year classes in Chang Jung Christian University, and divided them into two matched experimental groups. Under similar conditions, the two groups underwent two semesters of classroom teaching, one hour each week, thirty hours in total. In the first semester, the first experimental group was taught with the discussion method, and the second experimental group with the role model method. In the second semester, the teaching methods were switched for the two experimental groups. The data of 82 students from each group were analyzed, and we found the following results:
1.There is no significant difference between discussion and role model methods on the outcomes of service course.
2.The different order of applying the two teaching methods did not influence the outcomes of service courses.
3.The discussion method received better feedback from students than role model method.
4.The order of discussion and role model teaching did not influence the feedback from students.
5.According to the learning outcomes and feedback from students, two semesters’ service courses are better than one semester. Among those topics in service courses, learning that all occupations are fair and valuable was the most helpful knowledge for students.
6.If discussion was taught first, it was more helpful for students understanding of lectures, story sharing, and video watching.
參考文獻: 林勝義(2006)。服務與學習概論。長榮大學服務教育組印。
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