
Feedback and System Monitoring of Students Learning:The Hong Kong Experience

共同作者:何穎欣Jasmine Wing-Yan Ho
Kit-Tai Hau;Jasmine Wing-Yan Ho

所屬期刊: 第4卷第4期 「測驗與評量」
系統編號: vol015_01
主題: 測驗與評量
出版年份: 2008
作者: 侯傑泰;何穎欣
作者(英文): Kit-Tai Hau;Jasmine Wing-Yan Ho
論文名稱: 學習回饋及系統監察:香港的經驗
論文名稱(英文): Feedback and System Monitoring of Students Learning:The Hong Kong Experience
共同作者: 何穎欣Jasmine Wing-Yan Ho
論文頁數: 18
中文關鍵字: 教學評估;電腦化評估;學習回饋;系統監察;診斷性評估
英文關鍵字: Educational Assessment; Computerized assessment; Learning feedback; System monitoring
服務單位: 香港中文大學教育學院教育心理系講座教授;香港中文大學教育學院教育心理系碩士生
稿件字數: 10956
作者專長: Developmental Psychology, Motivation, Moral Development, Research Methodology, Psychometrics, Adolescent Suicide, Medium of Instruction
投稿日期: 2008/10/15
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摘要(中文): 一些國家設有評估機制,以監察各年級跨年度的學業水準變化(如美國的NAEP計畫),其結果可作為整個教育系統成敗的指標,故常簡稱為國家成績表(Nations Report)。如果學生成績表能反映學生的努力與能力,則國家成績表也可作為教育部官員政策成敗的評估。此外,透過經常性的評估,學生也能不斷獲取有關自己學習進度的回饋,進而促進學習。本文主要介紹香港政府在新近教育改革中,推行的一套全地區性評估計畫,包括隨時可參與的電腦化學生個人評估服務以及每年一次的學校評估系統。自1976年以來,香港教育署向學校提供一套自小一至中三的中、英、數學科測驗(HKAT),但因試題外泄及批改費時等,導致問題甚多。故本計畫既針對將來的需要,亦希望同時解決現存問題。在建立整個計畫時,曾考慮以下幾項因素,包括:對學習提供診斷性資料;評估及監察各學校的教學;避免學校及教師為提高校譽,而作防礙正常教學的不正常操練;若有操練應如何提高其正面作用,支持學校改善教學;改變家長只關心排名而不重視進步的態度;具備足夠彈性以配合日後改革等。學生個人評估服務是一個龐大的電腦化評估自學系統。涵括小一至中三每級的中、英、數學科。考核將包括多項選擇以及其它更多樣化富趣味性的題目;試題由中央統籌設計,透過網路送至各校,由各校自行安排考核及保存成績,中央亦答應提供相應的輔助教材,以協助學生改善診斷所知的弱項。試題主要由電腦自行評分,以減低教師工作量。這部份是低風險協助個別學生的服務。學校評估服務則是每年進行一次,在小三、小六及中三各級範圍內對中、英、數三科進行測試。題目將儘量多樣化,並以矩陣取樣以擴大考核範圍。考核成績將用以回饋學校,作為監控其教學成效之用,成績是否向公眾公佈尚待討論,該計畫亦對全港學生成績作整體監控。本文將描述上述計畫的優點,並討論在實施上所出現的種種爭議及問題。
摘要(英文): Since 1976, the Hong Kong Education Department has provided a series of Chinese, English, and Mathematics attainment tests for Primary 1 to Secondary 3 students (HKAT). The system has a number of problems including item leakage and heavy workload in marking. In this article, we would like to introduce a new educational assessment project to be implemented in the recent educational reform, which included a computerized student assessment service that students could take any time they liked and a monitoring system that assessed the schools every year.The following have been considered in the implementation of this system: offering diagnostic information for learning, assessing and monitoring individual schools, avoiding unhealthy drilling by teachers and schools that hampers normal teaching, changing parental emphases on student ranking to a focus on their improvement, and allowing sufficient flexibility for future reform.The student assessment service is a large computerized assessment self-learning system. It covers Chinese, English and Mathematics in Primary 1 to Secondary 3. The questions are scored by the computers to reduce teachers’ work load. This is a low stake service to help individual students and the government promises to provide appropriate remedial teaching materials to help and improve students’ diagnosed weaknesses.The territory-wide school assessment system will be conducted once a year at Primary 3, 6 and Secondary 3 on Chinese, English and English. Matrix sampling will be used to cover a large curriculum. The system attempts to monitor the standard of all Hong Kong students and will also generate reports to individual schools as feedback on their teaching.We will describe the strengths of the above project, and discuss the various issues and problems in the implementation process.
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