
Electronic reading assessment: The PISA approach for the international comparison of reading comprehension

共同作者:薛寶嫦 Pou-seong Sit
Kwok-cheung Cheung;Pou-seong Sit

所屬期刊: 第4卷第4期 「測驗與評量」
系統編號: vol015_02
主題: 測驗與評量
出版年份: 2008
作者: 張國祥;薛寶嫦
作者(英文): Kwok-cheung Cheung;Pou-seong Sit
論文名稱: 電子閱讀測試:PISA處理國際之間閱讀理解比較的取向
論文名稱(英文): Electronic reading assessment: The PISA approach for the international comparison of reading comprehension
共同作者: 薛寶嫦 Pou-seong Sit
論文頁數: 22
中文關鍵字: 電子評核;閱讀素養;終身學習
英文關鍵字: e-assessment; reading literacy; life-long learning
服務單位: 澳門大學教育學院教授;澳門大學教育學院助理教授
稿件字數: 4651
作者專長: 課程、評核與教學、測驗、評量與評鑑、數學-科學與幼兒教育、資訊通訊科技教育
投稿日期: 2008/9/25
論文下載: pdf檔案icon
摘要(中文): 本文旨在記敘「澳門PISA中心」如何為澳門十五歲中學生籌備電子閱讀測試。首先闡述資訊新世代終身學習所衍生的閱讀素養概念;其次陳述閱讀素養評核架構,這架構突顯了在課室環境中培養的閱讀素養,當中涉及與資訊通訊科技密切相關的關鍵能力,並特別回應OECD「DeSeCo」計劃(即「關鍵能力的定義和選擇」計劃)。最後,本文演示如何設計電子閱讀素養測試題目,繼而將這些題目組合成評核任務,再發展為個別化電子測試平台。
摘要(英文): This paper seeks to document how Macau-PISA Center prepares for electronic assessment of reading literacy for the 15-year-old students in secondary schools in Macao. First, emerging concepts of reading literacy with regard to life-long learning for our next generation in the digital age is elucidated. Second, the Reading Literacy Assessment Framework, a response to the OECD "DeSeCo Project" (i.e. Definition and Selection of Key Competences) to include the ICT (Information and Communication Technology) components as key competences, is presented so as to highlight the constructs assessed and nourished in the classrooms. Third, the paper demonstrates how test items and assessment tasks for electronic assessment of reading literacy can be designed, and subsequently developed into an individualized computerized testing platform.
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