
A Cognitive Load Approach for Item Difficulty Analysis on Numerical Operation

Pi-Hsia Hung;

所屬期刊: 第4卷第4期 「測驗與評量」
系統編號: vol015_06
主題: 其它
出版年份: 2008
作者: 洪碧霞;蕭嘉偉;楊佩馨
作者(英文): Pi-Hsia Hung;
論文名稱: 從認知負荷觀點分析國小二至四年級數與計算成就測驗
論文名稱(英文): A Cognitive Load Approach for Item Difficulty Analysis on Numerical Operation
共同作者: 蕭嘉偉;楊佩馨
論文頁數: 18
中文關鍵字: 數學成就;認知負荷;成份編碼;試題難度;跨年級量尺
英文關鍵字: mathematics achievement; cognitive load; component coding; item difficulty; vertical scale
服務單位: 國立台南大學測驗統計研究所教授;國立台南大學測驗統計研究所博士生;台南大學科技化評量中心助理
稿件字數: 9172
作者專長: 教學評量、教育測驗、電腦化適性測驗、認知診斷
投稿日期: 2008/11/5
論文下載: pdf檔案icon
摘要(中文): 認知取向的試題難度分析可統整認知負荷與試題統計資訊,本文由學生認知負荷的關懷出發,希望提出有效預測二至四年級數學成就測驗試題難度參數的成份,描述數學成就測驗不同難度層次的認知負荷特徵,同時藉由基礎水準學生和未達基礎水準學生試題答對比率的差異討論,提供基礎水準定義和補救教學實務的具體參考資訊。研究中所使用的資料庫是南臺灣學生數學成就測驗(STASA-MAT)二至四年級有關數與計算的42題試題。研究中以運算種類數、未知數表徵轉換、和除法加權三個成份預測數與計算試題難度,認知負荷成份可預測約53%的試題難度參數變異。基礎層次試題總認知負荷指標二至四年級依序為1.40、1.89和1.75,每增加一個認知負荷,難度參數大致提昇0.4個單位。針對基礎層次測驗,未達基礎水準學生答對率在0.45左右,基礎水準學生平均答對率在0.80以上。整體而言,數與計算問題解決所涉及四則運算的種類數、未知數的位置和除法應用,明顯與學生的解題表現有關,補救教學介入設計應先掌握學生的認知負荷現況,斟酌認知成份循序累增原則,以利學生數學意義的內化和自動化。
摘要(英文): The item difficulty component analysis approach is based on cognition psychology and psychometric theory. It can be applied to strengthen the construct validity. Also, the cognitive components usually demonstrate stronger communication power for the practitioners. In this study, a cognitive loading perspective is adopted to interpret the item difficulty parameter. The 42 items of numerical operation of the Southern Taiwan Assessment of Student Achievement on Mathematics (STASA-MAT) for 2nd to 4th graders were used for this analysis. A common metric was used to construct the item map for these items to exhibit the cognitive developmental features. Three components are proposed to predict the item difficulty parameters. They are number of operator types, representation transformation, and division application. The results suggest that cognitive loading components can predict around 53% of the difficulty variance. The implications of these results for basic level definition and intervention design are discussed.
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