
When In-service Teachers Encounter Multicultural Education: The Development of Multicultural Consciousness and Teaching Practice

Meihui Liu; Chia-hui Hung

所屬期刊: 第5卷第1期 「師資培育」
系統編號: vol016_01
主題: 師資培育
出版年份: 2009
作者: 劉美慧;洪佳慧
作者(英文): Meihui Liu; Chia-hui Hung
論文名稱: 當師培生遇到多元文化教育:準教師的多元文化意識與教學實踐
論文名稱(英文): When In-service Teachers Encounter Multicultural Education: The Development of Multicultural Consciousness and Teaching Practice
論文頁數: 34
中文關鍵字: 多元文化教育;多元文化意識;教學實踐
英文關鍵字: multicultural education, multicultural Consciousness, teaching practice
服務單位: 國立台灣師範大學教育學系;台北市立華江國小
稿件字數: 24088
作者專長: 多元文化教育、社會科課程與教學、民主公民教育
投稿日期: 2009/2/4
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摘要(中文): 本文係我在一所師範院校與一班大四學生的多元文化教學與學習的故事,我以全班教學及互動為脈絡,呈現我的教學實踐,但為了更深入理解學生的多元文化意識開展歷程,特別選取三位學生,進行深入的個案分析,分析的時間向度從大四的課堂學習跨越到大五實習,共計二年的時間,空間向度則穿越大學課堂與小學教室,以瞭解其在教室開展的多元文化意識,在初次面對教學場域時,如何透過課程知識與置身在地的途徑,發展實踐知識。具體言之,本研究旨在分析師培課程的多元文化教學如何影響準教師的多元文化意識與教學實踐。本文從文化敏覺與頓悟、反身自省與探索、行動試探與轉化三個面向來分析師培課程的多元文化教學策略,以及準教師的多元文化意識與教學實踐轉化歷程。
摘要(英文): This paper represented the stories between me, as a teacher educator, and the senior students who took my multicultural education course at the teacher education program. I explore my multicultural teaching practice within the whole cultural context of the class. In order to get in-depth understanding of the development of multicultural consciousness, three in-service teachers were selected as the exemplary cases for analysis. The analysis was from the senior class to the intern in terms of time, while from the university classroom to the elementary classroom in terms of space. The analysis focused on how the in-service teachers transformed their multicultural consciousness into teaching practices through the situated approach. The paper explored the transformation from three aspects: cultural awareness, reflective introspection, and transformative action. This paper provides the insights for the approach to multicultural education of teacher education program.
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