
A Study of the Financial Competency for Commercial High School Teachers

Zion Guo; Wen-Ching Lee

所屬期刊: 第5卷第2期 「課程與教學」
系統編號: vol017_05
主題: 課程與教學
出版年份: 2009
作者: 郭志安;李文清
作者(英文): Zion Guo; Wen-Ching Lee
論文名稱: 高職商業類科教師之財金專業能力研究
論文名稱(英文): A Study of the Financial Competency for Commercial High School Teachers
論文頁數: 28
中文關鍵字: 財金專業能力;高職商業類科教師
英文關鍵字: financial competency;commercial high school teachers
服務單位: 國立彰化師範大學商業教育學系助理教授;國立彰化師範大學商業教育學系博士班研究生
稿件字數: 23737
作者專長: 財務經濟學;行為財務學;資產配置
投稿日期: 2009/2/4
論文下載: pdf檔案icon
摘要(中文): 現階段教育部正著手進行「技職體系課程一貫化」的改革工程,教育部為落實職業學校之務實致用之課程發展,已於94年底起即著手研究並規劃符合國內產企業發展需求且有助於提升職校學生競爭力之課程,擬於96學年度完成新課程草案,預計自98學年度起實施。預計將於高職商業與管理群課程綱要中校訂科目增列一門「投資理財概要」,教導學生使用正確投資理財概念解決日常生活裡所遇到的財經問題,樹立正確的消費觀和金錢觀。
摘要(英文): Recently, Ministry of Education is setting about the reform project – Coherent curriculum of technological and vocational education system. In order to implement the development of curriculum with practically of the vocational school, Ministry of Education has draw up the curriculum of competitiveness to accord with enterprises demand promptly since 2005. New curriculums draft will be finished in 2007 and implement in 2008. Then, it will decide to add a new course named “Introduction to Investments” in the business and management curriculum outline of vocation high school. This course will teach students using the correct finance knowledge to solve the financial and economics problems, and establish the correct consumption view and money value.
The main purpose of this study is to investigate commercial high school teachers’ financial competency in Taiwan, as well as to discuss the levels of affecting financial competence for those teachers. Incorporating with literature review and questionnaire research methods, we also use the Fuzzy-Delphi method to analyze the appropriation of the questionnaire’s data and identifying the mechanism of selecting evaluation items. Results indicate that three most frames, including 13 items, need to be considered for financial competency of the teachers in teaching “Introduction to Investments”. The research is valuable for references, especially for commercial high school teachers, teacher education in university, in-service training program and educational administration.
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