
The Myth of Raising Standards of Learning through School-based Assessment: An Analysis of Teachers’ Beliefs

Choi-Fung TAM

所屬期刊: 第5卷第2期 「課程與教學」
系統編號: vol017_07
主題: 課程與教學
出版年份: 2009
作者: 譚彩鳳
作者(英文): Choi-Fung TAM
論文名稱: 引進校本評核提升學習水平的迷思:教師信念剖析
論文名稱(英文): The Myth of Raising Standards of Learning through School-based Assessment: An Analysis of Teachers’ Beliefs
論文頁數: 32
中文關鍵字: 校本評核;教師信念;教師角色;學與教
英文關鍵字: school-based assessment; teachers beliefs; teachers roles; learning and teaching
服務單位: 香港中文大學課程與教學學系助理教授
稿件字數: 28029
作者專長: 教師信念;課程實施;課程領導;校本課程
投稿日期: 2008/12/4
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摘要(中文): 課程與評核不可分割,但是兩者的關係不是對等的,評核應該從屬於課程。然而,香港教育由考試主導,不但教學上出現倒流效應,而課程與評核的原本關係也被顛倒。因此,為配合新課程改革,香港考試及評核局把校本評核引進中國語文科,合併入中學會考之中,以期改進學與教的成效、拓寬評核的基礎、舒緩學生在公開考試的壓力。本研究以個案形式探究四位教師對校本評核的信念,結果反映教師的信念影響他們對校本評核的詮釋、對評核課業的評價、實施校本評核的方向及支配其角色。研究又指出學生的語文能力並沒有提升,其承受的公開考試壓力也沒有減少。研究建議政策制定者要支援教師改變其秉持的評核信念及實踐方式、重新為評核角色定位及簡化校本評核計劃,才能改進學與教的素質。
摘要(英文): Curriculum and assessment are an integral whole, but they are not of equal standing, assessment should be subordinate to curriculum. The education of Hong Kong, however, is examination-driven. It not only exerts backwash effect on teaching and learning, but reverses the original positions of curriculum and assessment. Aligns with the new curriculum reform, School-Based Assessment (SBA), therefore, has been introduced in Chinese Language, incorporating with the Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination by the Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority. It aims at improving the effectiveness of learning and teaching, broadening the assessment base, and alleviating pressure of public examinations on students. Case studies were conducted to tap beliefs of four teachers on SBA. Results revealed that teachers’ beliefs exerted significant influence on their interpretation of SBA, evaluation of SBA assignments, approaches adopted to implement SBA and roles they played in conducting SBA. Findings also indicated that neither language ability of students had been enhanced nor examination pressure put on students had been reduced. The paper concludes with the suggestion that changing beliefs and practices of teachers on assessment, reshaping the role of assessment and simplifying the SBA scheme are essential to improve the effectiveness of learning and teaching.
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