The Research and Development of Individualized Educational Program for Primary School Students: An Example of Utilization of Water Resources and Environment Conservation
Ming-Yang Hsu; Yu-Hsuan Wang; Tien-Sue Liang
Ming-Yang Hsu; Yu-Hsuan Wang; Tien-Sue Liang
所屬期刊: |
第5卷第2期 「課程與教學」 主編:國立臺北教育大學國民教育學系、課程與教學研究所教授 黃嘉雄 |
系統編號: | vol017_09 |
主題: | 課程與教學 |
出版年份: | 2009 |
作者: | 許民陽;王郁軒;梁添水 |
作者(英文): | Ming-Yang Hsu; Yu-Hsuan Wang; Tien-Sue Liang |
論文名稱: | 國小自然科學個別化教學單元的研發:以水資源利用與生態環境保育為例 |
論文名稱(英文): | The Research and Development of Individualized Educational Program for Primary School Students: An Example of Utilization of Water Resources and Environment Conservation |
共同作者: | |
最高學歷: | |
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論文頁數: | 38 |
中文關鍵字: | 概念發展;個別化教學;地球環境概念 |
英文關鍵字: | conceptual development; individualized educational program; earth environment conception |
服務單位: | 臺北市立教育大學環境教育與資源研究所教授;臺北市立國語實驗國民小學教師;臺北市立石牌國民小學教師 |
稿件字數: | 22329 |
作者專長: | 地球科學;地球科教育;環境教育 |
投稿日期: | 2009/3/6 |
論文下載: | |
摘要(中文): | 隨著科技與社會的快速發展,兒童接受訊息與刺激也日趨多元,因此有必要考量兒童的先備知能、認知程度、以及生活經驗,重視兒童的個別學習差異,設計個別化教學方案,才能達到最佳學習成效。本研究選取臺北市中正區某國小六年級學童,以「水資源的利用與生態環境保育」為主題,設計「飲水思源」學習活動,進行個別化教學研究。先擬定教學目標,再編製評量問卷,進行單元教學後,以口頭及紙筆測驗實施形成性評量,再選取對象進行補救教學或充實教學。最後實施總結性評量與學習感想問卷,統計分析學生在教學活動上的整體學習成效。研究結果發現總結性評量的通過率均在80%以上,顯示經由個別化補救與充實教學後,整體的學習表現能達成預期的目標。對學生進行的學習感想調查,也顯示學生喜歡這樣的教學方式,認為個別化教學的學習有助於其調整學習進度,增進學習成效與自我肯定。 |
摘要(英文): | Talented or retarded students are often disregarded inside an over-sized classroom; therefore, this study focuses on individual differences in learning environmental conservation conceptions. By analyzing the concept of earth environment in current primary science curriculums and in the realm of the 9-year integrated curriculum, and by implementing the theory of individualized instruction, the daily life experiences of each school student is considered as one of the elements in developing an individualized educational program. In this study, "utilization of water resources" and "environment conservation" were chosen as the bases for developing individualized educational programs for experimental teaching. The main target was 6th graders. These students were provided with supplementary equipment, peer teaching and computer software to minimize learning differences. These students attained positive achievement. The results of this research can be applied to individualized and small class teaching, as well as to fit the needs of the 9-year integrated curriculum of primary schools to provide teaching activities with flexibility. |
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