
The Analysis of Taiwan Assessment of Student Achievement 2007

Chien-Ming Cheng; Chin-Hsi Chen

所屬期刊: 第5卷第4期 「測驗與評量」
系統編號: vol019_01
主題: 測驗與評量
出版年份: 2009
作者: 曾建銘;陳清溪
作者(英文): Chien-Ming Cheng; Chin-Hsi Chen
論文名稱: 2007年臺灣學生學習成就評量結果之分析
論文名稱(英文): The Analysis of Taiwan Assessment of Student Achievement 2007
論文頁數: 38
中文關鍵字: 臺灣學生學習成就評量資料庫;成就評量;九年一貫能力指標;課程綱要
英文關鍵字: Taiwan Assessment of Student Achievement; TASA; competence indicators; 1st to 9th grade curricula alignment; curriculum guidelines
服務單位: 國家教育研究院籌備處助理研究員;國家教育研究院籌備處主任秘書
稿件字數: 24861
作者專長: 差異性分析;題庫建置
投稿日期: 2009/9/26
論文下載: pdf檔案icon
摘要(中文): 臺灣學生學習成就評量資料庫(TASA)已邁入第四年,本研究主要在呈現國語文、英語文、數學、社會及自然等五科在國小四年級、國小六年級、國中二年級、高中二年級及高職二年級等五個教育階段在2007年全國分層隨機抽樣施測的結果。施測的結果包括九年一貫能力指標與高中、高職課程綱要內容的答對率較佳與待加強之描述性統計分析,以及學生、學校相關背景變項的統計分析。其結果除了提供行政機關、教師、家長與課程教學參考外,最重要的是提供具體的學生學習成就現況資料給教育部作為九年一貫課程實施成果的對照,以便將來對課程、教學及政策改進提供參考。對於導致本研究結果之因素,需藉由本研究之資料庫做進一步相關研究來發掘與推論,在保護學生個人隱私與避免不當比較的前提下,國家教育研究院籌備處已開放資料庫之申請,有興趣之教育相關研究人員,可連結各領域的觀點,對相關議題進行研究與探討。
摘要(英文): The Taiwan Assessment of Student Achievement has been conducted for four years. The study is to present the stratified sampling results of five subjects Chinese, English, Mathematics, Social science, and Natural science administered in the five educational levels of 4th grade, 6th grade in elementary school, second grade in junior high school, second grade in senior high school, and second grade in vocational high school in 2007. The results include the better and worse descriptive statistics of the answer correct rate of competence indicators for 1st to 9th grade curricula alignment and curriculum guidelines of senior and vocational high schools as well as the statistic analysis of variables of students’ and schools’ background. The results can be the reference of students, teachers, and householders. In addition, the most important is that the results would be a contrast for the policy results of 1st to 9th grade curricula alignment. The results will offer to be the reference for the future of curriculum, instruction, and policy. As for the cause factors of the study results, it needs further research to investigate by the TASA database. Moreover, under the conditions of not violating students’ privacy and avoiding inappropriate comparison, the Preparatory Office has provided the database for interested researchers to investigate related study.
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