
Discuss the Strategies Used by Hong Kong Primary Chinese Language Teachers Helping Students to Deal with Territory-wide System Assessment (TSA)

Pui-Lee Liu

所屬期刊: 第5卷第4期 「測驗與評量」
系統編號: vol019_04
主題: 測驗與評量
出版年份: 2009
作者: 廖佩莉
作者(英文): Pui-Lee Liu
論文名稱: 析論香港小學中國語文科教師為學生準備「全港性系統評估」(TSA)的策略
論文名稱(英文): Discuss the Strategies Used by Hong Kong Primary Chinese Language Teachers Helping Students to Deal with Territory-wide System Assessment (TSA)
論文頁數: 20
中文關鍵字: 全港性系統評估;倒流效應;促進學習
英文關鍵字: TSA; Backwash effect; facilitate learning
服務單位: 香港教育學院中文學系助理教授
稿件字數: 12552
作者專長: 語文評估
投稿日期: 2009/3/12
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摘要(中文): 香港「全港性系統評估」的主要目的是協助學校管理階層了解學生在主要學習階段(小三、小六及中三)完結時,於中、英、數三科基本能力的整體表現,藉以檢視學生的水準,從而改善教學和優化課程設計。同時政府可為有需要的學校提供支援以及檢核教育政策執行的成效。教師運用不同的策略為學生準備「全港性系統評估」,希望學生能獲得良好的成績。因此,本研究主要是探討小學中文科教師為學生準備應付「全港性系統評估」的策略與教師對所用策略的意見。
本研究採用定量研究(Quantitative Approach)和定性研究(Qualitative Approach)兩種研究方式。定量研究是採用問卷調查方式,共派發90份問卷;定性研究是採用與教師面談方式,受訪者共6位。研究發現教師採用的應試策略是受到「倒流效應」的影響,他們為學生準備應試的策略很注重幫助學生熟習一些應試技巧,包括請學生購買坊間出版的「全港性系統評估」練習和補課,幫助學生操練試題。他們甚至在校內考試的內容和形式設計上盡量貼近「全港性系統評估」的模式。可是教師比較忽略考完試後的跟進策略,例如就個別學校的報告,分析學生表現,修訂課程和改善教學,這似乎有失當局提出「全港性系統評估」的原意。本文最後的總結提出了一些建議,希望校長和教師能得到?發。
摘要(英文): The main aim of Territory-wide System Assessment (TSA) is to help the school administrators to have a clear understanding their students’ standard in Chinese Language, English Language and Mathematics at the level of primary 3, primary 6 and secondary 3 so that they can evaluate their school effectiveness so as to improve the school curriculum and teachers can adjust their teaching strategy. Moreover, the government can also understand the effectiveness of the school policy and provide supports for schools in need of assistances. Many teachers would expect their students to perform well in TSA. They have used different strategies to help students to tackle TSA. This study finds out how Hong Kong Primary Chinese Language teachers help students to prepare for TSA and explores their comments on it.
The study employed a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods, with data being collected through questionnaires and interviews. Questionnaires were sent to 90 experienced teachers. A total of six teachers were interviewed, all were experienced teachers. Finding indicates that many teachers have prepared different strategies for helping students to face TSA. The strategies they used were influenced by the "backwash effect". Most of them asked students to buy the TSA exercises and drill students to do exercises so that they could manage the skills in tests. Even in the internal school examination, teachers designed the examination papers, which were very similar to the questions set in the TSA so that students were accustomed to the format and content of the test. Based on the content of the TSA, most teachers were "teaching to the test", but not only "teaching for test". However, teachers neglected to analyze the TSA individual school reports given by the Government so as to evaluate their curriculum design and improve their teachings. On the basis of the major results, this study also makes suggestion at the conclusion.
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