
Assessment for Learning? Assessment of Learning?: Process-based Assessments of Life Curriculum

Pichun Wu

所屬期刊: 第5卷第4期 「測驗與評量」
系統編號: vol019_05
主題: 測驗與評量
出版年份: 2009
作者: 吳璧純
作者(英文): Pichun Wu
論文名稱: 注重並增進學童心理歷程能力的生活課程多元評量
論文名稱(英文): Assessment for Learning? Assessment of Learning?: Process-based Assessments of Life Curriculum
論文頁數: 30
中文關鍵字: 為了學習而評量;學習的評量;歷程評量;多元評量;生活課程
英文關鍵字: assessment for learning; assessment of learning; process-based assessment; Life Curriculum; alternative assessment
服務單位: 國立臺北大學師資培育中心教授
稿件字數: 19992
作者專長: 教育心理;知識發展;學習心理;認知心理
投稿日期: 2009/9/29
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摘要(中文): 近年來許多學者在課堂評量的研究工作上,提出「為了學習而評量」以及「學習的評量」兩個概念以區分課堂評量的目的。「為了學習而評量」的觀念關心評量如何協助學生學習;相對地,「學習的評量」重視考核學生的學習結果或是判斷其能力等級。生活課程的評量包括前述兩類的評量,但是大部分時候是以「為了學習而評量」為主。但這兩種評量觀念的實施都需要用到多元的評量工具,這正是國民中小學九年一貫課程所呼籲重視的。
摘要(英文): Many researchers proposed the concepts of "assessment for learning" instead of that of "assessment of learning" while conducting classroom assessments. "Assessment for learning" concerns the role of assessment with the improvement of students’ learning; On the contrary, "assessment of learning" emphasizes on the judgment of students’ ability or learning results. Classroom assessments of Life Curriculum include these two kinds of assessments, but most of time, the purpose of assessments is "assessment for learning." However, both assessments can be carried out in a variety of ways based on students’ explorations and actual performance in order to avoid relying only on pencil-and-paper tests. To use various ways of assessment in classroom of Life Curriculum is accord with the rationale of the "Grades 1-9 Curriculum Guidelines for Elementary and Junior High School Education."
"Grades 1-9 Curriculum Guidelines for Elementary and Junior High School Education" claims that alternative assessments instead of the paper-and-pencil tests should be implemented in the classrooms of the junior high school and of the elementary school. Nevertheless, this task is quite tough for most school teachers. For Life Curriculum teachers, they cannot adopt adequately those alternative assessments because of the following reasons: 1) not fully understanding the themes of Life Curriculum, 2) not knowing the techniques regarding alternative assessments, and 3) the extra teaching-loading owing to the implementation of the alternative assessments. It results in many teachers resist implementing the alternative assessments.
The purposes of present article are analyzing the relationships between instruction and assessment from a systematic perspective based on "2008 Grades 1-9 Curriculum Guidelines for Elementary and Junior High School Education (Life Curriculum)." The aim is to facilitate teachers’ ability to implement alternative assessments and to achieve the goals of Life Curriculum.
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