
Teacher Education for Europe of Knowledge –Implications for Taiwan

Bih-Jen Fwu;Yuanher Rboin Hwang

所屬期刊: 第6卷第1期 「師資培育」
系統編號: vol020_01
主題: 測驗與評量
出版年份: 2010
作者: 符碧真;黃源河
作者(英文): Bih-Jen Fwu;Yuanher Rboin Hwang
論文名稱: 打造「知識歐洲」的師資培育:對我國的啟示
論文名稱(英文): Teacher Education for Europe of Knowledge –Implications for Taiwan
論文頁數: 20
中文關鍵字: 知識歐洲;波隆納宣言;師資培育;高等教育;研究本位
英文關鍵字: Europe of knowledge; Bologna Declaration; teacher education; higher education; research-based
服務單位: 國立台灣大學師資培育中心教授;明道大學課程與教學研究所助理教授
稿件字數: 12738
作者專長: 師資培育、教育社會學、教學原理、教育政策分析
投稿日期: 2010/02/05
論文下載: pdf檔案icon
摘要(中文): 歐洲為維繫其為世界最大經濟體的地位,宣示要將歐洲打造成「知識歐洲」。1999年「波隆納宣言」(Bologna Declaration)對大學的重新改造及定位,為「知識歐洲」奠定基礎。長久以來,歐洲各國師資培育的結構、修業年限、培育機構各不相同,差異很大,但是受到高等教育結構重整的影響,有漸漸導向共同的趨勢。未來發展呈現中小學師資合流至綜合大學培育、修習層級碩士化、與實務連結的「研究本位」培育派典、學分轉換制度之建立等,並對這些結構面的發展趨勢提出相當的立論基礎。相形之下,我國師資培育的課程模式略嫌混淆不清、夾雜著培育派典與學歷的迷思、教師核心能力不受重視等。我國教育界可能需要對師資培育有大格局的思考,並深思其背後的學理基礎與實務需求的對話,以因應知識經濟的世界及日趨激烈的國際競爭。
摘要(英文): Europe has been making great efforts to build up "Europe of knowledge" so as to maintain its status of the world’s largest economy. To achieve the goal, the first step is to promote the restructure of European higher education, which was claimed as "The Bologna Declaration" in 1999. Due to the diversity of cultural and historical context, the structure, the length of preparation and the training institutions of teacher education vary greatly among European countries. However, under the influence of Bologna Declaration, some common trends of European teacher education have gradually emerged. This study intends to investigate the current situation of European teacher education and its future trends, which will highlight theoretical significance and practical implications for further thoughts, especially lessons that could be learned by teacher educators in Taiwan.
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