
A Study of the Historical Changes of the Teacher Education Curriculum Since 1994: Taking for Department of Teacher Education as an Example


所屬期刊: 第6卷第1期 「師資培育」
系統編號: vol020_03
主題: 師資培育
出版年份: 2010
作者: 楊智穎
論文名稱: 1994年之後師資培育課程歷史變遷之研究:以師資培育學系為例
論文名稱(英文): A Study of the Historical Changes of the Teacher Education Curriculum Since 1994: Taking for Department of Teacher Education as an Example
論文頁數: 26
中文關鍵字: 師資培育課程;師資培育學系;課程變遷
英文關鍵字: teacher education curriculum; department of teacher education; curriculum change
服務單位: 屏東教育大學教育學系副教授
稿件字數: 17066
作者專長: 課程史、課程評鑑、鄉土教育、課程理論
投稿日期: 2009/10/13
論文下載: pdf檔案icon
摘要(中文): 本研究旨在透過系統論,並輔以路徑依循的觀點,針對1994年「師資培育法」通過後,各大學師資培育學系的課程變遷歷史進行探究。為達上述研究目的,本研究採用文獻探討、文件分析及訪談等方法。經由本研究的進行,發現國內師資培育學系內部課程變遷同時受到不同深度與廣度之內外動因的影響,各師資培育學系面對社會變遷所進行的課程改革途徑主要針對課程目標、課程結構與組織、課程分流及學生畢業路徑等面向,各師資培育學系課程變遷的歷史軌跡係呈現課程觀的轉變及路徑依賴的現象。最後,本研究再根據上述研究發現,進一步省思國內師資培育課程變遷所產生的問題與限制,及提出結論與啟示。
摘要(英文): The study aims to explore the historical changes of the teacher education curriculum. Systematic theory and path dependence perspective are used to analyze the historical changes of the teacher education curriculum. In order to correspond the purposes of the study mentioned above, the study proposes to adopt the relative study methods included literature review, document analysis and individual interview. There are mainly two parts in the articles: one is to analyze the historical context and influential factors of teacher education curriculum change, the other is to discuss the problem and limitation of teacher education curriculum change. Finally, the implications for research and practice are provided.
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