The Chinese Translation of Enzyme and Ferment and Its Implication to the Teaching of Science in High Schools
Shu-Chuan Chen
Shu-Chuan Chen
所屬期刊: |
第6卷第1期 「師資培育」 主編:國立東華大學花師教育學院院長 吳家瑩 |
系統編號: | vol020_06 |
主題: | 測驗與評量 |
出版年份: | 2010 |
作者: | 陳淑娟 |
作者(英文): | Shu-Chuan Chen |
論文名稱: | 「酵素與」譯名之科學尋根及其對中學科學教學之啟示 |
論文名稱(英文): | The Chinese Translation of Enzyme and Ferment and Its Implication to the Teaching of Science in High Schools |
共同作者: | |
最高學歷: | |
校院名稱: | |
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語文別: | |
論文頁數: | 22 |
中文關鍵字: | 中學科學教師;科學名詞翻譯;酵素;? |
英文關鍵字: | high school science teacher; scientific term’s translation; enzyme; ferment |
服務單位: | 國立編譯館編審 |
稿件字數: | 14521 |
作者專長: | 昆蟲生理、昆蟲毒理、農藥代謝 |
投稿日期: | 2009/05/13 |
論文下載: | |
摘要(中文): | 酵素、?與Enzyme、Ferment間的中、英文翻譯,很難理出恰當的對應關係。1960年代起,我國中學教科書裡酵素與?的使用,依存於教學語言情境。近來,由於學術和業界的發展,使酵素、?的相關詞彙,遠超過教科書所列舉,讓人有認知上的不確定感。 科學語言是文化與社會共同建立的科學,在教學上,大致可分為解釋系統和符號系統,教師以不同的語言構築解釋系統,解釋科學家表徵特定概念所用的符號系統。本文透過教科書剖析酵素與?的翻譯更迭,再循科學史跡,幫助教師了解該符號系統的發展,以便教師能將該符號系統的概念性文字,清楚地傳達給學生。 教師若能以正向的思考從名詞的翻譯差異著手,釐清混淆名詞的糾結,便可見證科學家的點滴努力,掌握符號系統的精確意思並認識其中的起承轉合,教學時,對科學概念的說明、舉例,或回應學生對翻譯名詞的疑惑,必更有效而靈活。 |
摘要(英文): | To make a set of clear rules to translate Enzyme and Ferment from English into Chinese appropriately is not an easy task. In the 1960s in Taiwan, the use of "酵素"and "?" was varied depending on the specific teaching context in high school classrooms. Later, as the science of Enzymology advanced, a number of related terms employed in practices went beyond the coverage of textbooks. As a result, it caused quite a nuisance to students and teachers both in the realms of academic institutions and industries, though many of them were intended to choose a simple way to ease off these confusions. Generally speaking, teachers in the classroom do their best to build up a labeling system and interpreting system, according to the translation cultures and science communities, to convey scientific concepts to their students. This article, by means of exploring the evolution of the translation of the Chinese "酵素and?" in textbooks, and digs deep into the development of these science concepts in the history course to help teachers teaching more efficiently. Some suggestions for teachers to lead students identifying translated scientific terms, including these two Chinese words appropriately, are recommended. |
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