
An Investigation of Teachers’ Decision Making on School-based Curriculum and its Contributing Factors: A Case Study of Hong Kong

Choi-Fung TAM

所屬期刊: 第6卷第2期 「課程與教學」
系統編號: vol021_01
主題: 課程與教學
出版年份: 2010
作者: 譚彩鳳
作者(英文): Choi-Fung TAM
論文名稱: 教師校本課程決定及其影響因素之研究:香港個案研究
論文名稱(英文): An Investigation of Teachers’ Decision Making on School-based Curriculum and its Contributing Factors: A Case Study of Hong Kong
論文頁數: 32
中文關鍵字: 校本課程;課程決定;影響因素;處境
英文關鍵字: school-based curriculum;curriculum decision making;contributing factors;situation
服務單位: 香港中文大學課程與教學學系助理教授
稿件字數: 19671
作者專長: Teachers beliefs, curriculum change and implementation, school-based assessment, curriculum leadership
投稿日期: 2009/5/20
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摘要(中文): 雖然各地政府推動校本課程發展,把課程決定權賦予教師,然而,值得關注的是教師做了甚麼決定及為何做這些決定。本個案研究以一所中學的中文科組教師為研究對象,旨在探討教師的校本課程決定及影響其做決定的因素。研究結果反映在同一所學校環境脈絡中,初中教師與高中教師的課程決定懸殊。初中教師參與課程校本課程發展及編選校本教材;高中教師寧願採用教科書教學,做調適教材的決定,而不願承擔校本教材發展的責任。而影響教師校本課程決定的因素,依據其重要性排列分別是:觸發教師改變的不利處境,教師的個人意願與信念、知識與能力、課程領導及教學文化。
摘要(英文): Although school-based curriculum development (SBCD) has been launched by different governments with the aim to empower teachers to make curriculum decisions; the issues of what decisions teachers make and why they make these decisions need to be addressed. This case study aims at investigating teachers’ SBCD decision making and the factors affecting their decisions. Teachers of a Chinese department of a secondary school are the participants of this study. The findings revealed that within the same school context, decision making between teachers teaching junior and senior forms was of marked difference. Teachers who taught lower form students engaged in curriculum change and school-based instructional materials compiling. However, their counterparts adopted a textbook and preferred making decision on selecting desirable texts for teaching provided by the textbook rather than assuming responsibility of developing school-based instructional materials. The factors contributing, according to their degree of influence to teachers’ decision making were stressful situations sparked off drastic changes, teachers’ willingness and beliefs, knowledge and ability, curriculum leadership, and teaching culture.
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