
An Exploration on Values Education Curriculum in Iceland

Yen-Hsin Chen;Kristjan Kristjansson

所屬期刊: 第6卷第2期 「課程與教學」
系統編號: vol021_03
主題: 課程與教學
出版年份: 2010
作者: 陳延興;柯安生
作者(英文): Yen-Hsin Chen;Kristjan Kristjansson
論文名稱: 冰島實施價值教育課程之評析與啟示
論文名稱(英文): An Exploration on Values Education Curriculum in Iceland
論文頁數: 28
中文關鍵字: 冰島教育;價值教育;道德教育課程;品德教育
英文關鍵字: Icelandic education;values education;moral curriculum;character education
服務單位: 國立中正大學課程研究所暨師資培育中心助理教授;冰島大學教育學院教授
稿件字數: 18807
作者專長: 教育哲學、道德教育、教師專業倫理、知識與課程規劃
投稿日期: 2010/2/3
論文下載: pdf檔案icon
摘要(中文): 冰島在1999年訂定國定課程綱要,於中小學課程新設立「生活能力」一科,從小學四年級起單獨設科實施價值教育;而我國現階段九年一貫課程將道德要素融入各學習領域中,一改長久以來獨立設科進行道德教學方式;然而,社會大眾、教育人員對於學生的道德教育如何落實深表重視,教育部持續推動〈品德教育促進方案〉,期盼各縣市政府與各級學校均能夠加強品德教育。
摘要(英文): In 1999, ‘life skills’ was introduced as a new compulsory subject for teaching values education in grade 4-10 of the compulsory school under the National Curriculum Guidance in Iceland. In Taiwan moral education as a separate subject has been erased from the timetable of the current Grade 1-9 Curriculum, and combined into the seven learning areas. However, the public and educators concern about how to effectively teach moral education in school. In 2004, the Taiwan Ministry of Education announced the ‘Promoting Program of Character Education’ to request that all local governments and schools emphasize the implementation of character education.
The approach of comparative moral eudcation is used in this paper. Firstly, the writers generallly explore the content, goals and general situation of the implementation of life skills educationin in Iceland. Secondly, the writers provide some philosophical analysis of two debates about life skills education in Iceland. One is about the overemphasises of emotional intelligence and neglect of the importance of Aristotelian emotional virtue. The other issue is whether or not citizenship should become the main goal of life skills education. Finally, this paper discusses what lessons can Taiwan draw from the implemetation of life skills educaiton in Iceland. The first lesson is that it is very important to clarify the conceptions and contents of character education in Taiwan. The second lesson is that the researchers suggest that it might be an alternative way of emphasizing moral education as one of the ‘important curriculum issues’ and review the competence indicators relating to moral essentials.
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