
Trends in the Development of Medical Education: Curriculum and Instruction

Shi-Ping Luh; Yuh-Yin Wu; Mei-Tsu Chen; Mei-Hui Chen

所屬期刊: 第6卷第2期 「課程與教學」
系統編號: vol021_04
主題: 課程與教學
出版年份: 2010
作者: 陸希平;吳毓瑩;陳美足;陳美惠
作者(英文): Shi-Ping Luh; Yuh-Yin Wu; Mei-Tsu Chen; Mei-Hui Chen
論文名稱: 醫學教育未來發展之重要趨勢探討:課程與教學
論文名稱(英文): Trends in the Development of Medical Education: Curriculum and Instruction
論文頁數: 26
中文關鍵字: 模擬學習;臨床能力;醫學倫理;醫學教育;繼續教育
英文關鍵字: continuing education; medical education; medical ethics; medical professional competence; simulator in learning
服務單位: 嘉義聖馬爾定醫院副院長及外科教授;國立嘉義大學及國立交通大學教授;國立台北教育大學心理與諮商學系教授;嘉義聖馬爾定醫院醫療副院長;嘉義聖馬爾定醫院院長
稿件字數: 10163
作者專長: 醫學教育
投稿日期: 2009/8/6
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摘要(中文): 醫學教育在課程與教學上的改革經過近幾十年來的發展,已在世界各地建立了嶄新的教育模式。放眼未來,醫學教育將會擷取其他專業教育的特質,將之融入其中, 繼續進行創新並影響其他領域教育的發展。本文利用文獻回顧,對於未來趨勢作一綜覽性的探討,包括:1.有效的學習與傳授醫學知識, 技術與態度。2.模擬器學習的應用, 效果與其限制。3.定義臨床能力, 及其對未來生涯發展大影響。4.專業教育由畢業前延伸至畢業後, 強調持續與終身學習的精神。 5.使用有效多元的能力評估工具。6.強調醫學倫理的教育。最後我們提出醫學教育目標從醫師中心轉而以求診者為中心的典範轉移以及醫學教育未來需面對的挑戰作為結論。
摘要(英文): A brand new model in medical education regarding curriculum and instruction has been created worldwide through continuous reform during these decades. Several excellent literature reviews and studies have given us important messages about the trends in the future development of medical education. In this article we focused on the following key issues. 1) locate the elements of effective learning; 2) adopt simulatorsits application, effects and limitations; 3) define the medical professional competenceits importance in the future career development; 4) extend continuing and life long educationfrom pre-graduate to post-graduate; 5) utilize effective competences assessment tools; and 6) teach and assess medical ethics present status and future perspectives. Finally, paradigm shift of medical education curriculum from doctor-center to patient-center, as well as future challenges were discussed as concluding remarks.
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