
Unilateral or Bilateral? Convergences and Transformations of the Bill to Allow Chinese Students into Taiwan Universities

Yen-Hung Lin

所屬期刊: 第6卷第2期 「課程與教學」
系統編號: vol021_06
主題: 課程與教學
出版年份: 2010
作者: 林彥宏
作者(英文): Yen-Hung Lin
論文名稱: 一廂情願抑或兩情相悅?陸生來台政策之匯流與轉變
論文名稱(英文): Unilateral or Bilateral? Convergences and Transformations of the Bill to Allow Chinese Students into Taiwan Universities
論文頁數: 36
中文關鍵字: 陸生來台;時勢潮流;國家意識型態
英文關鍵字: the Bill to allow Chinese students into Taiwan universities; multiple stream frameworks; state ideology
服務單位: 國立台灣師範大學教育學系博士生
稿件字數: 23893
作者專長: 教育行政、教育政策
投稿日期: 2010/3/14
論文下載: pdf檔案icon
摘要(中文): 2008年總統大選結束,國內的政治情勢產生了前所未有的劇烈轉變。隨著政治立場的更迭,過往被忽視的陸生來台政策也重新浮上檯面。本文擬針對在兩岸政治、經濟與文化脈絡下,運用Kingdon之時勢潮流架構來探討陸生來台政策的問題潮流、政策潮流和政治潮流分別為何以促使該政策重新納入政府的施政內容中,與國家在此政策中之意識型態如何形成與實踐?
摘要(英文): After the presidential election in 2008, there have been some dramatic changes of political circumstances in Taiwan. With the political shift, the Bill to allow Chinese students into Taiwan universities neglected in the past has been getting back on stage recently. The purpose of this article is to illuminate the policy making process of the Bill by Kingdon’s multiple stream framework. The research questions guiding this article are: (1) What are the problem stream, policy stream, and political stream in cross-strait contexts? (2) Why does the issue once again gain government’s attention? (3) How does the statist ideology form and practice in this policy making process?
According to findings, there is no way to describe the policy by neither staged theories nor rational frameworks due to the lack of orderliness and consistence in policy making process. In addition, after checking by public hearings and public opinions, the government also finds some contradictory and inconsiderate statements. Moreover, the policy goals are departed from trends of international student flows as many restrictions were brought up. Since the policy appeared, the two opposite parties are incompatible as fire and water and consolidate each position by all different kinds of discourses.
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