
On Interaction between Teacher and Graduate Student in University-Industry Cooperation : A New Institutional Economics Perspective

Hsiao-Fen Liu; Ting-Yu Chang

所屬期刊: 第6卷第2期 「課程與教學」
系統編號: vol021_07
主題: 課程與教學
出版年份: 2010
作者: 劉曉芬;張筳裕
作者(英文): Hsiao-Fen Liu; Ting-Yu Chang
論文名稱: 產學合作中的師生互動-一個新制度經濟學觀點
論文名稱(英文): On Interaction between Teacher and Graduate Student in University-Industry Cooperation : A New Institutional Economics Perspective
論文頁數: 26
中文關鍵字: 產學合作;逆向選擇;道德危機;代理人理論;新制度經濟學
英文關鍵字: university-industry cooperation; adverse selection; moral hazard; principal-agent theory, new institutional economics
服務單位: 國立臺北科技大學技術及職業教育研究所副教授;國立臺北大學公共行政暨政策學系碩士
稿件字數: 14921
作者專長: 高等教育、教育行政、技職教育史哲
投稿日期: 2009/7/21
論文下載: pdf檔案icon
摘要(中文): 產學合作可說是大學在傳統教學、研究領域以外新興的第三項重大任務,但以往有關產學合作的研究很少觸及到其中參與者及其行動,因此本文聚焦在產學合作之師生面向,並嘗試以新制度經濟學之代理人理論觀點及文獻分析來了解其互動情形、產生問題及可能的解決方式,同時探討代理人理論在教育研究上的應用情形。本研究發現在產學合作研發活動的過程中,師生可能會因為資訊的不對稱性、目標的不一致性、風險偏好的不同、乃至於契約不完備而產生「逆向選擇」與「道德危機」等行為。爰此本研究建議校方及教師可藉由信號傳遞、目標結合、提供智慧財產權之專業諮詢與協調服務、以及制定相關規範及配套機制等方式來促使師生雙方的誘因相容,進而提升產學合作與研發的品質,並期藉由新制度經濟學的視角來深入理解產學合作的多重面貌,開啟更多的學術對話。
摘要(英文): University-industry cooperation may be the new third primary mission besides traditional teaching and research field. However, studies about university-industry cooperation seldom mention the participants involved and their behaviors. In the study presented here,We are concerned with the dimension of professor and graduate students participating in university-industry cooperation and try to analyze their interaction by using the Principal-Agent Theory and literature analysis on the basis of new institutional economics. This study consists of two main parts. The first part discusses the interactive style, problems and possible solutions. The second part investigates the current status of the new institutional economics applied in educational field. In the findings,we suggest that teachers and students participating in university-industry cooperation may display unexpected behaviors such as "adverse selection" and "moral hazard" resulted from asymmetric information, goals inconsistency, differences of risk preferences, and incomplete contracts. Based on the findings, we also submit some suggestions for universities and professors as reference by signaling, combining goals, formulating related standards and mechanisms, The goal is to offer professional consultation on intellectual property and coordination services to contribute to benefits of stakeholders in university-industry cooperation from the perspective of new institutional economics.
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